
As someone who lives in a town she represents, let me tell you that Marsha Blackburn sucks for a long list of reasons. She is bad people and more people need to know that she is bad people.

Fuck him. He does not deserve the right to privacy as he has voted to impinge on the rights of MILLIONS of women in the country while encouraging the very behavior he is looking to curtail. You are now fair game and you are a trash human being.

We need that cross-stitch lady from Saturday night to put that in a sampler.

Oh god. Thanks for expected, it is dumb and disgusting.

I make annual pilgrimages into the red states, where I meet up with huntin’ people from all over the country. I note that five years ago, it was all about self defense (“you come from the city, what would you do when somebody is threatening you?” “Call a cab?”), but THIS year is was all about “but guns are so much

  1. ATF approved–Bump-stock devices do not change the action of the gun; they do not make the gun an automatic weapon. Rather, they allow the gun owner to mimic automatic fire in short bursts with variable consistency. This means the devices are categorized as an accessory rather than a conversion. Because of this, USA

Jeez, could you imagine the horror of coming round in hospital to see him at the foot of the bed.

Small consolation, he did not throw cups of lime jello to the wounded people at the hospital the way he chucked paper towels at the citizens of Puerto Rico.

My favorite chyron today: “Tillerson not denying he called Trump a moron.”

On the crappy topic of bump stocks- a special fuck you to Breitbart for their weasel worded defense of bump stocks that ends with an extra special dig at the poors. Fuck everyone.

Shade. Just my vote. I do not like Tillerson on Exxon principle, but he is acting like the one adult in this administration that has not demonstrably and willingly fucked things up more and is trying to deescalate this North Korea nightmare.  I also completely believe he called him a moron. He was not incorrect.

As someone married to an Armenian born in Turkey I can tell you that the Armenians are Caucasian, possibly Greek, possibly Turkish, technically Asian, maybe Jewish, but most definitely will feed you until you explode and want to know when you will give your mother in law grandchildren it’s been years what is wrong is

I don’t think people are crazy. I think people are assholes.

Why do people perpetrate online hoaxes? Why do people shoot from a 32 story building? Why do people vote for Trump? Why do people throw a kitten out of a moving car (my foster cat)? Why do people abuse loved ones? Why do people drive PT Cruisers? I just don’t know anymore. People are crazy, that’s all I got.

I don’t blame Jason Aldean for taking some time off. He and his crew were shot at like everyone else near the stage. I can’t imagine how traumatic this has been for everyone involved.


We should look to Australia. They had a mass shooting, the politicians did something about it instead of just sending useless thoughts and prayers, and as a result they don’t have constant mass shootings.

How difficult is it for that crowd to understand that we want to keep the guns away from THE FUCKING NUTS WHO MAKE THEM LOOK BAD. Are you a law abiding citizen? Do you lack a history of violence? Do you have proper storage? Do you have a system in place to keep the guns out of the hands of children or anyone other

“I think if you look to Chicago, where you had over 4,000 victims of gun-related crimes last year, they have the strictest gun laws in the country. Trickle-down economics certainly haven’t helped there.”

Did this bitch just “if you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns” us?