
It’s like comparing cow patties...they’re both shit.

I’d vote for Clay before Marsha, but damn...those are bleak choices.

Hey neighbor! I live in DesJarlais’ district.

She bedazzled that one herself, I think.

Most people don’t use their dogs as a penis substitute.

They are big fat fuckers. I hope your mom gets the treatment and coverage she needs to beat cancer.

That really sucks. I’m sorry, and I hope that you are able to get coverage again soon. I would be in the same boat without employer provided coverage.

Fuck these fucking fuckers straight to fucking hell. My niece and nephew are covered under this program after my brother completed suicide. There are millions of other children in other bad circumstances through no fault of their own out there.

Perfect gif is perfect.

I have always attributed it to eating disorder + smoking.

I’m pretty sure the Russians get bcc’d on all emails.

Don’t forget the truck nuts.

Hey from Nashville!!

All kinds of crazy in those eyes.

It’s definitely a situation where you’re rooting for both sides to lose.

Thank you for his name; his precise diction and his devilish good looks have made me have...feelings.

What the hell is up with the lighting? Do they have an extra pasty filter in that pic?

I say we put Obama masks on them, and then he won’t be able to wait to get them all down. 🤣 His core will be all over it, too!

It was the work of a real son of a bitch. He was an attorney who defended James Earl Ray.

I was thinking it needed a bit of dynamite.