
They are totally serious. I lost a FB “friend” who posted a side by side meme of photos of Jackie and Melania. Then she commented about how nice it was to have a classy First Lady again.

Starred for your user name.

Oh dear lord, I read this initially as the cat was trying to get pregnant. 😳

I think he’ll do it, but hold it at one of his properties so he can profit from it.

This makes me so sad to see again. When I originally saw it, I was convinced that there was no way in hell that Hillary could lose because there had to be more rational people than not. Alas, my days of innocence are now past.

My daughter’s former BFF was made to drop out of Girl Scouts and joined American Heritage Girls. It seems not only super Christian, but also almost crazily conservative. Very focused on traditional gender roles, and learning how to do traditional “women’s work” kind of stuff.

Cool Rider is my favorite...oh and Reproduction!!!

This is what my dog would do. She wouldn’t eat until my husband, my daughter, and I all three were home. I miss that sweet weirdo. We lost her right before Christmas. I still keep waiting for her to come walking around the corner.

Gosh, that’s *almost* helpful.

Liberal Tennessean here. I concur!

Taylor Swift went to high school in Hendersonville, TN, just outside Nashville. She was born in Pennsylvania, though.

That is just beautiful.

I never needed it either until I got married. The combo of my husband’s body oil/soap/shampoo leaves a nasty funky film in the shower that I have been unable to remove with any other known combo of sponge/brush/cleaner/bleach that I could conceive of.

You are missing out on the Magic Eraser, then. Store brands do not compare to the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.

I do agree with you, but to my mind Terry Tate, Office Linebacker is an exception to the rule. I crack up every time, and I sometimes YouTube it randomly at work when I really need a giggle.

It was the accent.

I think I’m going to beg Trudeau to take me in.

It was actually the “Little White House.”

If you’re an adult without any disabilities that would prevent you from doing so and you can’t make a sandwich, you deserve to starve.

What giant assholes they were! You know that they just had tiny dicks that wouldn’t get hard no matter what, right?