
They probably have templates ready.

I just want to read the Times’ response. I think it goes something like this.

If you’re an old, like I am, you were taught to type on a typewriter; that muscle memory is hard to let go.

No, no, no...the dictionary obviously has a liberal bias. /s

I want to rescue this boy so he doesn’t turn out to be a douche, but’s probably genetic.

Sorry I agreed with you?

Yeah, but she believes in all that Scientology garbage, so logic isn’t her strong suit.

This is just beautiful!

Yes! Sniffing is his tell.

Definitely bigly.

Verne and Gary need to hang up the mics.

Except for that annoying Evangelism.


I’d rather be Chelsea than Ivanka any day of the week.

I’m with you. I have this image in my head now of Jeb in monologue saying “I’ll show him low energy!” Then Jeb laughs maniacally

“What a small, terrible world this poor man must live in.”

I thought “no, this must be a complete parody.” Then I googled that shit.

Have you ever even been to Jezebel before?

I too. 😭😭😭

Trigger warning, why don’t you? Jesus, now I have to clean up the vomit.