
Man angry he’s not getting sex he feels he’s owed


You’ve got a point here. We’ve got a cultural emphasis on looks that has really created something dangerous lately— a weird intersection of looks as commodity and industry and currency, together with that increasing notion of each other as easily replaceable. And it’s a huge disappointment to people who invest in

Awfully optimistic there with the “future” part.

“Nino’s portrayal of women as vapid and shallow is old hat by now.”

Specifically, he is monstrously inept, and his ineptitude will follow him throughout life, attracting fewer and fewer victims. I’ll take the over on how many times he’s heard, “Don’t worry, it’s perfectly normal. Happens to anyone, babe.”

As one of the responses points out with screenshots, dude was on Facebook talking about how it’s cool to date 17 year olds because it’s legal and on Twitter talking about how he only attracts 17-19 year olds even though he was born in 1997. So yeah, he probably does “fine” dating-wise if you consider a 23 year old fast

From what I can tell, he doesn’t start shit. He’ll finish it if someone tries online (he might be King of Twitter, imo), but for the most part, he seems to just do his own thing, which, bless him, we’re all the better for.

I was just talking to my sister about this - I love him because he’s himself.

There’s something really sweet and wholesome about Lil Nas X.

Hah! Patton. That’s perfect. Patton regularly repeated the speech you hear at the start of that movie. And in that speech he says words to the effect of, you don’t win a war by dying for your country. You win by letting the other poor bastard die for his country. He would howl with laughter at the Trump cult’s

The deeply weird thing about Trump and his crowds is... even as much as he loves hearing people cheer for him, he fucking HATES the actual people doing it. He complained how “low class” the people breaking into the Capitol for him were. It’s been said he was even happy COVID made it so he didn’t have to shake hands

No problem I’ll do it for you. I’ve lost friends to suicide, and C19 because of that prick and the fucking monsters he enabled. I want them to die, conscious, gasping for one more breath as their bodies slowly suffocate them.

They deserve ever bad thing coming their way, and I will cheer every fucking second of it.

I never actively wish for someone’s death, no matter how loathsome or stupid they are, but I am finding it harder and harder to care about the fate of the “FUCK YOUR FEELINGS LIBTARD” crew as they actively try to shorten their lives and the lives of everyone around them.  My family and I are vaccinated, I know that’s

Can’t testify against a spouse, perhaps. 

This was always super apparent to me, however I was blown away by how many people didn’t get it - Trump himself is essentially just a figurehead. That’s why, no matter the incoherent or absurdly offensive statement, the water just rolled off his back. That’s why a NYC millionaire who detests the unwashed masses has

Important lesson about Trump’s popularity: It isn’t based on what he thought, said or believed, it was based solely because he told ignorant racist bigots what they wanted to hear. The second he stops telling him that, they’ll turn on him.

For the people saying “why would she want to do this” we’re talking about the sibling of Palmer Luckey here, the guy who created Oculus VR, made a mint selling it to Facebook, and now spends his days championing Trump and selling AI tech to catch people coming over the border.

Until proven otherwise, I’m going to assume this union was strictly transactional.

Imagine hitting the privilege jackpot of being wealthy, white, conventional pretty and yet settling for an even creepier Mr. Eraserhead. She thinks he is going somewhere, so she’s decided to hitch her wagon to him. But all signs point to jail. Once his father is no longer around or able to prop him up, he will be a