AMGtech - now with more recalls!

Road trips are great. I did 6100 miles in 18 days on a Ducati Monster over the summer, with 5 days in one state and another stuck in a bed in California with food poisoning. Something like 75% off interstate. Portland to Minnesota to the Grand Canyon, back to Portland, with a lot of national parks along the way.

NP assuming it's been properly maintained and not wrecked. Worst thing about these is maintenance costs. Air filter every 10k, trans service every 30k, rear diff fluid at 2k, then every 20k if I remember correctly. Tires will wear out in about 20k with regular rotations, earlier if not rotated. Actually pretty

The 45 engine was developed by the same people who do the Mercedes F1 cars...

Not at all. Unless internal engine work is required. Which it won’t be unless the owner does something dumb. Even still, not hard to pull the engine.

Actually not bad to work on. And very reliable in AMG trim.

The GT was never intended to be a replacement for the SLS. This from the horse’s mouth. What’s it matter? The GT is better than the SLS or SLR in literally every way, aside from “cool-factor” or whatever.

I’m so glad no one I care about lives in Michigan and has to share the road with your deathtraps.

Find the nearest encyclopedia, dictionary, or really any educational material (the bigger the better), and use it in an attempt to literally slap some sense into them. If it doesn’t work the first time, keep trying until it does.

What if I actuate the clutch by hand? And move the gear lever with my left foot? 😜

Porsche charges more for less stuff all the time, so obviously partypooper is a genius!

Keeping the Camry and keeping it stock are acceptable if you plan on buying things such as:

This sounds exactly like what Fort Nine does to test helmets. Although maybe a bit more scientific.

Obviously the left one is the greasy salesman and the right is the apprehensive customer

How was Turo not mentioned in this?

With the sensors just install the newest part number, they’ve all been updated and improved. Valve cover gaskets... Meh, no so much, but it takes them 5-10 years to start leaking again. They’re not a big problem at all.

That’s exactly the generation I was thinking of! My experience has been the same with Asian cars. And my daily is a 210 E55. Been saying it for years the 210 is awesome and just stupid reliable if you maintain it. Most common problems, MAF’s, crank sensors, and valve cover gaskets. All easy.

Yeah I’m familiar with the issue from talking to the BMW guys I know and from having to do a few on used cars myself on VW’s especially. I chalk our lack of issues up to more time spent in R&D since we didn’t adopt DI as early as some, and that our crankcase breather and oil separator systems are pretty damn good. I

Those two cars were easily BMW’s pinnacle. It’s sad how they fallen.

10k on a Benz is fine with good oil and filter. Lots of people go way over for whatever reason. Well, don’t do it on a diesel, early is a good idea there, but 10k is adequate just not a mile more.

Had we not moved to talking BMW in general? My mistake. Even still you misunderstand what I meant. I’m not surprised by the use and I think their application of mag here is brilliant, just poorly executed. They did fix it, I’ll give them that, but it was a big screw up, albeit on a new technology/methodology. As far