AMGtech - now with more recalls!

My 3700lb car with 350hp needs more traction, even with 275 width tires. So, you’re not wrong, but I would hate to have less. Maybe a range of 200-400hp depending on weight and drivetrain configuration. I drive lots of 500+hp cars, and while they are a blast to drive, it takes some serious skill to actually use all of

Rally chicken has more power than a Yugo.

I’m just hearing Cheech and Chong “man look at that rocket mmmaaannn”

Why doesn’t this have more stars?

None of the best techs wear pants. Why do you think it’s hard to get shop access some places?

I think you mean the one he found in the backyard.

This is the most anti-jalop crash test ever. Car performs fine physically. Car fails because it can’t hold it’s idiot driver’s hand by way of electronics.

People in the comments keep asking who buys these. Quite a few are used as fleet or business vehicles. Think pizza delivery or advertising because they’re eye catching or even corporate campus security cars. Also, think of how many Daimler and smart dealer employees there are and how cheap these cars are for them.

You wouldn’t believe the number of cars I get in my shop that have open top mugs and glasses filled to the brim with coffee, tea, juice, etc. Often they’re the ones whose center consoles I need to remove 😒

Or a weight emulator.

SimulatED weight sounds like it’s not a real weight. It should probably be called a simulatION weight. Pedantic as fuck.

Sound generators have been in use for a few years already on hybrids and electrics. At least on Mercedes and smart. They sort of just sound like a loud electric motor, but not loud enough to be invasive or annoying.

Interesting... Thanks!


Yes! Is there an oil cap on the engine itself, or is it way off to the side, meaning going to a remote reservoir?

Does it have the wet sump M177 from the C63, or the dry sump M178 from the GT?

I heard he even had RevZilla drop ship full motorcycle suits and helmets for the babies he carried. All the gear all the time!

He’s smart. They’re scary over 50mph.

By those standards most jobs I’ve had were actually cults!

I’ve heard from first responders that have used it and said they liked it. I’m not saying it’s perfect. It definitely has its drawbacks. But it’s a step in the right direction, isn’t it?