AMGtech - now with more recalls!

It’s got more to do with individual dealers being cheap about training people and having high turnover. Costs money to train people. Manufacturers in my experience make every effort to keep dealer personnel trained up; bonus programs for quarterly recertifications, required online classes, refusal to pay warranty

Sounds more like a cleverly disguised pedestrian targeting system to me

Wanting to know more is fine. It’s great actually. I wish more people would educate themselves. What bothers me is when they come in saying something like “my car is rattling at 2200rpm when I accelerate uphill. I need a new turbo encabulator and I don’t want you to diagnose anything” then I say “well sir, I’ve never

That is awesome! When I toured our Alabama factory we got to see the engineering offices they have there. Quite a few of the people working there were women. And even just normal factory roles, assembling cars and what not, were filled by women.

Oh for sure. I wouldn’t want me as a client at a shop. I’m not the best about taking care of my cars either. I just meant that when engineers/mechanics bring their cars in they get all uppity/condescending/whatever which makes them difficult to deal with as customers.

Ignore the haters. They’re not worth the energy. Many of us find it refreshing that more and more women are getting into cars. It’d be great to have some in shop. I’ve only ever worked with one female mechanic, and that’s disappointing. But there are plenty of women who take on other roles in our service department

Can you please tell my clients who are engineers that just because they are engineers they don’t automatically know more about cars than I do?

Nope. And if you’re not going off road, then why not just slap LR badges on an explorer? No one will know the difference.

I feel the same way about Land Rover, and P38's in general, having owned one that made it over 200k miles before I sold it.

Why no alpine windows?

Two words: The Goonies.

Where’s the German jeep with the star? And the enormous ‘murican one that Arnold used to drive?

I call dibs on the “TROGDOR” license plates

They don’t wear abnormally fast in my opinion, they’re just expensive. Shockingly so to many people.

Rear air suspension only, not very problematic at all. Actually I’ve never replaced any air suspension parts on a W212 E63.

10 and up E63 are very reliable. Biggest costs will be brakes and tires.

10-11 E63 is one of my absolute favorites. Excellent choice.

Or head over to oppo and ask around there, I’ve got a little bit of experience in this department 😉

12 and newer have better everything, interior included. If you seriously consider one at some point, feel free to consult me. I’m not too hard to find on oppo.

Early ones can be quite expensive. 12 and newer are extremely reliable and have greatly improved interiors. It’s worth it to spend the extra coin on a newer model.