I wonder if Lexus thought it was funny...
I wonder if Lexus thought it was funny...
Mercedes is doing massive construction in Alabama...
I would own one and I hate the idea of working on trucks. Too tall. I also consider myself a young professional outdoorsy type with a thick beard. But I don’t do any of the other things you mentioned, because I’m too cool for that shit.
As a side note, if you’re going to “pet” your tires, be very very careful. If they’re worn down to cords and you run your hands over those there’s a good chance you’ll be redecorating your driveway with red polka dots and treating your neighbors to your best impression of an opera singer having a death scene.
I’m not saying it’s right or that I agree with it, but 1 quart per 1000 miles is a pretty standard figure for oil consumption across various manufacturers.
Counterpoint: E36 M3 is second best M3, not the ugly duckling’s red headed second cousin.
Yeah, you’re right, they probably could have designed it that way. But it’s a Mercedes, they can’t possibly make it cheap to own 😕
Well you do only replace the blade. Unless you mean just the rubber strip itself? Doing just that could be difficult as it has a heating element and the channel for washer fluid to flow.
It could be argued that your jeeps are already sculptures of old car parts.
I have a friend who’s been hoping this would happen. I’m not sure anyone is stupid enough to steal an old disco.
Something something low hanging fruit...
No joke, some wiper blades cost between $100-200. Think magic vision control. Google it if you’re confused.
I’m only 94% competent so I automatically assume the internet is 95% correct 76% of the time.
My dumb ass owns three. But they’re actually pretty reliable compared to what the internet thinks.
Rolex on the bus? No thanks. I like not getting mugged.
*Reads own name*
They may make you look wealthy, but 8/10 of these could bankrupt you.
Mostly good information, although some incorrect. I otherwise completely agree.
If both of those trolleys are going so fast they cannot stop before damage is done then they are both going to flip over if they try to change tracks, thus killing everyone.
Aang has been my kinja avatar since I first found kinja. Fell In love with the show as a very angsty 18 year old who wouldn’t watch cartoons because they were for kids. Own all the seasons on DVD and watch them at least every year or two. My daughter first watched at 4-5 years old (she’s 6 now) and loves it too.