AMGtech - now with more recalls!

The only reason to not get the S is money, or if you’re only buying the car as a fashion accessory.

And race mode


People who look at this like that are just asking for top talent to leave. Unless you’re in an industry over-saturated with talent that’s not a good way to do things. Legitimate reasons, “your performance is not on par with your colleagues” or “we will go bankrupt if we give you another 10 cents” but the latter is a

That’s such bull. If they tried that with me I would walk out of the review right there. Because basically, they’re spending your money for you without telling you until after the fact, because it’s easier to ask for forgiveness, or something.

I’m not familiar with big corporate stuff like that. But that point of view (CEO’s, board) is very shortsighted. You (general, not you you) will have a hard time staying relevant in coming years with that attitude I think. But it stands to reason that if the top bosses want to keep making money and growing they should

This is all fine and dandy, but it sounds like you’re advocating not giving employees raises as they grow. You can’t just give them occasional gift cards and lunches and what not in lieu of a raise. They’re not stupid and will know exactly what you’re doing, and this will piss them off even more. I think all the

Not sure respect in DC should be considered in the PRO column...

I think the big news (albeit old) is that Comcast did something not inherently evil and in the interest of its subscribers.

Old man needs to stop yelling at clouds.


Very true. I’ve been through that whole situation more times than I care to count.

That is sad. It’s unfortunate that there is such a huge disparity in the quality of both shops and technicians. I bought a car 700 miles away two months ago and had it taken to the dealer before flying out, they gave me a very comprehensive list of issues, nothing unexpected though. Some of us go over cars with a fine

I know what you mean. There is a lot of crap happening in that price range.

Sorry, didn’t mean to say you did. Unfortunately, when it comes to trying to make a buck, there probably are more unscrupulous people than not. Some of us, I like to think myself included, don’t try to pull that kind of cheap with potential buyers.

Dealers and mechanics both come in all shapes, sizes, colors, levels of honesty, etc. Some are amazing and some are absolute shit. It’s definitely good to be on the lookout for anything foul, but generally avoiding them isn’t the right way to approach it.

Go to a shop for a pre-purchase inspection. If the seller won’t let you, move on to another car because they’re probably hiding something.

Tell that to my customer with a 300k mile W140, original owner. And the one with the pristine W116, original owner. And lots of original owners with 220's and 221's.

You could have gone with Mercedes road side service, not positive on the details but most road side service is free to most people. If you told them over the phone what your car needed they could have brought the part to you and fixed it right there. And towing is free to a dealer I believe. Every dealer stocks a

Any tips for those of us who suffer from shin splints? Or how I can force the sprinter in me to slow down? Because all I want to do is run half a lap in 20 seconds...