AMGtech - now with more recalls!

Carbon builds up because prior to the combustion chamber sure to crankcase ventilation and/or direct injection. Crankcase ventilation allows pressurized air from the bottom of the engine to vent into the intake system, this site contains oil vapor which then leaves carbon deposits. Direct injection places the fuel

“Early” being just shy of ten years after others started doing more commonly and 40 years after ‘muricans tried it on some muscle cars.

Honda is like Edward Norton’s character in Fight Club if he never had the crazy Tyler Derdan split personality thing going on, and if he were fat and worked in a cube farm. “Successful”, but really gave up years ago.

Wow, I can’t believe how much hate there is in the comments. This guy, and anyone else who is building a car for themselves, deserves respect. Who cares if he could have bought an Elise instead, that’s not what he wanted. He’s doing what makes him happy and that happens to be something infinitely more impressive than

Tell that to the school bus full of children that gets killed when Joe Dirt’s tire rod end fails and sends him careening into incoming traffic at 70mph.

Pretty sure I have a decent understanding of the Mercedes demographic. Lots of Mercedes owners buy used awit work on them themselves. Everything from base model C-classes just off of loaner duty or three year old AMG’s just off lease to twenty year old E-classes. Most of these people aren’t rich, just comfortable, but

Normally I love these articles but I have a hard time condoning a used V12, at last without done sort of warranty. Definitely buy the service contract. Otherwise, when inevitably something fails that requires a dealership, I will be happy to drain your bank account fix it for you! Even if you do your own work be aware

What do you think the M178 (AMG GT) is?

No way bro! Can't trust myself not to mess something up!

Hell yeah I can. I think 😝

There was a guy I used to work with who had two LR Discoveries, same year, same color, one good, one bad. Cut the front clip off of one, fit a trailer tongue, convert to camping trailer. Sorry I don't have pictures. It was pretty cool though.

I'm 99% certain it's a rover V8.

I have a customer with an '05 CL65 AMG with aftermarket warranty coverage, they just spent about $6k fixing some things on it, hardly batted an eyelash.

Fair enough. Some shops, mine included, require that we drive every car at least around the block depending on what has been done. The reasoning is that even if it was just an oil change any issues would be noticed by then. Say the oil filter wasn't tight enough or its seal was rolled/cut/fell off during installing,

Actually a lot of cars will correct the drift automatically if the driver doesn't, either by way of electric steering or lightly applying the brakes on one side of the car.

While I think this is a great step forward I think there are other things they should be looking into as well. Better driver education and mandatory safety inspections when cars need to be re-registered, something like what Germany does.

Awesome! I had kept hearing that these would be "much closer to 100k than 200k" from corporate and I'm glad to see they didn't mean it would be 149,999.

How do you differentiate between a joyride and a necessary diagnostic or quality control road test? Don't say joyrides will have more miles either. I've worked on loads of cars where I've needed to drive 50+ miles in order to verify a repair, or adapt a transmission, or pass an emissions test.

I don't know about you, but I'm definitely evil. I always make sure to joyride every car over 100mph, steal customers' personal belongings from their cars, and damage things just for fun.

Well that works. Don't think I would buy a car, for more than about $10k, from someone who wouldn't allow a pre-purchase inspection. It would feel to me like they were trying to hide something.