And to think my mom yelled at me (when I was 35) because I bought a house that had more than one bathroom. "Anything beyond one bathroom is keeping up with the Joneses! Stop showing off!"
And to think my mom yelled at me (when I was 35) because I bought a house that had more than one bathroom. "Anything beyond one bathroom is keeping up with the Joneses! Stop showing off!"
It wasn’t a waffle, it was an honest admittance that she’s still learning about the complexities involved. If she’s “mentored” by senior Dems and comes down on the other side, then it’s more disappointing as a sign she might do the same on other issues, but for now it’s a push.
She is on a steep learning curve.
I know she’s new to the game but that was a huge walk back. If you have the balls to support Palestine (so few if any politicians do) you cannot waffle on it. I was So dissappointed when she did that bc to me it signalled that she is perhaps more of the same. In 20 years folks won’t be afraid to call what's happening…
Considering the current Republican president is the most ignorant person to have ever held the office, Republicans don’t have much to stand on in terms of criticizing Democrats for being ignorant.
I met her and she can go away. SUPER HUGE diva attitude.
No payment was ever made, Mr. Giuliani said, adding that Mr. Trump had told Mr. Cohen that if he were to make a payment related to the woman, to write a check rather than send cash, so it could be properly documented.
What is Tom Brady is not a Kim Kardashian with a penis?
YESSSSSSS more Diana Moskovitz pieces over here on Jezebel pleeeeease
You certainly do not need this validation, but holy fucking shit you are completely correct.
Considering how indoctrinated women are into thinking their sexual activity is shameful — by parents, by other adults, by politicians, by religious folk, by society in general — it’s not surprising at all.
I misread that whole thing. It sounded like she was in a relationship with the Pope and I thought, “She’s not even Catholic, is she?” Also, I assumed that she was throwing in a quick jab at misogyny in the Catholic Church, which seemed out of character.
Every time Tebow has an impure thought, he adds a punctuation mark as penance.
Probably needed his cocaine fix.
Why is he shaking like a leaf in a hurricane?
Why did Facebook take her post down? Because she used his full name?
I think he did tell her that “they” couldn’t accept it. But he basically called her a thief and fraud, to which she was rightfully upset. So she stood her ground, again rightfully. Then it sounds like she was told to leave the property, to which she refused. Then it escalated to a cop call.
P.S. Not defending Coupon…
That poor woman was purchasing something deeply personal to boot.
Still, the police department said that the woman did the right thing by calling them, encouraging others to say something if they see something.