You can say “what is it that we are missing that is causing you to feel the need to unionize? We’ll fix it.”
You can say “what is it that we are missing that is causing you to feel the need to unionize? We’ll fix it.”
Okay, I’ll take a stab at it. Off the top of my head:
are you new here
He’d “allow them” to unionize. Ah, that’s so cute.
I don’t understand what other reason there would be to publish a 27 year old article about a woman who seems to have left at least the public side of show business behind.
Yeah I noticed that as well. Her top lip area looks, well, off.
Oprah is absolutely the definition of self-made.
All she did - literally all she did - was sign a licensing royalty contract with Colourpop for a tube of lip gloss, after getting surgery to enhance her lips, and imply the kits were responsible. That’s it!She signed her name to the makeup they already produced. That’s the extent of her involvement.
I have mixed thoughts. Kylie was definitely pre-ordained for a life of fame and wealth. I don’t think she was pre-ordained to found an $800 million cosmetics company. I have the same “Her? Really?” thoughts when I see money stats about Jessica Simpson and Jessica Alba’s companies. If converting B-list fame into a…
I’ll hold the bag open for you!
One more thing to add to your spot on analysis.
I’ve had sex with both men and women, and for me, oral has almost always been better with a woman. But for a good deep dickin’, give me a man any day.
I’m sure I’m gonna catch heat for this, but I honestly think part of the problem is that society still views women without children as incomplete failures. It needs to be more okay for women to just not have them.
I’m guessing a lot of it has to do with a lack of financial security and general unrest about the state of the world? At least when it comes to deciding to have kids. That argument obviously doesn’t work for committing to one partner. I don’t understand unwillingness to commit, but I completely understand the dread of…
Whaaaaat. I can’t believe he admitted that! You should have asked him what salary he was offering for that job. Because that is a job, not a relationship. He wants a person with two main skills: secretarial and sex work. I say that should get some lucky gal close to 6 figures for full time.
The last date I went on, the dude told me, sincerely and vulnerably, that what he really wants is a secretary who he can fuck. Not a life partner partner. So that was my last date. I’ve taken my online profiles down and am seriously looking into my single mother options. Would love to adopt and have a bio kid.
Contemporary masculinity is confusing as fuck. A lot of the "stable" values of old are deeply wrapped up in patriarchal shit that some of us are *trying* to navigate/abolish. Sometimes the baby gets thrown out with the bathwater.
why are the men (boys) so scared of everything? like seriously. why are they scared of growing older and committing to one partner? i don’t fucking get it.