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    Why are you so interested in the reasons behind the Samsung batteries lasting. The fact is that they last longer than the other tablets in this test, so whether this is attributed to the AMOLED screens or whatever doesnt really matter in the end. What matters most is that device A battery lasts more than device B.

    I believe that’s just ONE of the reasons why the batteries last that long. It cannot wholly be attributed to the type of screen.

    Like? Choosing a side? He did the best he could in his position. Encryption and privacy doesnt necessarily require one to be an expert to offer his opinions.

    No it’s not. No encryption key has been created yet. They are still toying with the idea of creating one. And they want to find a balance between authorized access and unnecessary poking. It’s still in the developmental stage. I believe that a the tech companies can create a trully controllable encryption that

    Obama is merely talking about finding balance between security and privacy. He mentions designing an encryption mechanism that enables both on a fairly balanced scale, and thats why he’s saying he’s not an expert on the topic. Everyone is just assuming that the only way a ‘backdoor’ can be created is one that allows