
Lol she wasn't allowed to fail up? Lmao she's a fucking United States Senator! How tf is that not failing up? She makes six figs a year, not including book and speaking deals, all on a record of jailing minorities for shit she got away with. How is that not failing up? 

Keep perpetuating that cancel culture. It'll come for you eventually. 

So this is the flyover state answer to the cybertruck right? 

Lol I bet you’ve got interesting views on libertarianism and crypto currencies. 

I doubt they'll shoehorn Boba Fett's escape from the Sarlaac into a show that's not about him. Let the past die. This is the way. 

Yeah I mean it’s as if Filoni’s previous experience was writing over a dozen seasons of Star Wars animated children’s shows... Oh wait, that’s exactly what his experience is. Jfc. What were you expecting from this show? Breaking Bad levels of writing and drama? If you were, man you really lost the plot on star wars a

Right and they had how many seasons to do that? Early episodes were shite. You know this. Rebels only got clone ears good in fits and spurts. Most of the time it was average. You do understand that was all Filoni too right? Same guy doing Mandalorian. It's only the first season. Slow your roll. 

I'm so glad I'm not as bitter as you are, as a grown adult, about a children's show. 

As usual, comments are a cesspool of negativity. I don’t understand you people. Did you think Mandalorian was going to be in the running for an Emmy for outstanding drama? Jesus christ people. Star Wars is FOR CHILDREN. I say this as someone who loves it. They’re making this show FOR CHILDREN. They made it about a

It’s fucking weird.

What's your monthly electric cost with all these lights? 

What's your monthly electric cost with all these lights? 

Holy shit people, just don’t buy bootleg juice from the guy down the street. It’s not that fucking hard. Lab-tested products from reputable companies have no risk of sudden death. Read the articles. Look at the maps of deaths. They’re mostly clustered in the Northeastern US. What does that tell us? It tells us that a

Every day we stray further from god’s light

God I wish Tesla would start just selling chassis/battery combos to facilitate coachbuilders...

Nissan. Hands down Nissan has the shittiest interiors of cars made today. 370z interior has never been updated since it was launched. 

You are very welcome :) just spreading the Good Word of the Force.

You are very welcome :) just spreading the Good Word of the Force.

#1 is. First order star destroyer, not a speeder, #2 is not a tie silencer, it is an upsilon class command shuttle, #6 is a resistance transport, 10 is a quad hopper, 11 is a death star turret, 23 is a gonk droid, 13 is a mouse droid, #17 is an escape pod. 

#1 is. First order star destroyer, not a speeder, #2 is not a tie silencer, it is an upsilon class command shuttle,

I make 65k a year in Los Angeles and between rent and cost of living here there's no way I can afford a new car payment of 600$,along with the higher insurance from a new car. No way. 

Care to address the obvious hit job piece above us you’re ignoring?

No? Didn’t think so.
