Nice price or crack pipe
Nice price or crack pipe
This all happened in Lumberton, North Carolina yesterday.
The other reason for moving the car, LaSha told me, was that her husband wanted to show that it could be done after his friend voiced some doubts.
The way those cars self-immolate, aren’t they all water-cooled at some point?
These water cooled Ferrari prices are getting out of hand... amiright?
I ride and understand the risk and accept it. But yeah you got a point about that insurance. I wouldnt want my family to go broke just because I get turned into a grease spot.
K. I’ll go comment on an article unrelated to people dying on motorcycles.
I can’t understand taking the risk of riding a motorcycle. I REALLY can’t understand taking the risk of riding a motorcycle when you have a 3 and 6 year old at home. And finally, if you are selfish enough to take those risks, why wouldn’t you have one hell of an insurance policy so that you family doesn’t have to…
it looks very modern and features a mosaic of the Declaration of Independence and the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights
It’s one thing to be the guy that owns a supercar. It’s another to be the guy who takes the supercar to their Home Depot runs. You’re in a good place right now. One I hope to be in the day.
Here’s the thing: If you had the readies to remake or improve the car that got you in to cars, what would it be and what would you do to it?
The Model S was supposed to brake for stopped obstacles..........not break stopped obstacles.
That’s what I’m looking for in a sporty car. Quiet.
David Tracy was excited by that yellow Mini based on appearance. Finding out it was rustproof fiberglass was a crushing disappointment.
Huh. I was sure they'd issue Bonds.
I also see a ton of Thunderbird up front. If Ford had done a four-door for that generation, it wouldn’t be all that different.
I was pretty excited about DriveTribe when it launched. I created a profile, looked for people to interact with, and got confused by the whole thing.