
They would do as they’ve always done, which is immediately organize themselves into classes and then exploit the bottom tier classes. There would be reasoning as to why those people deserved it, and many of those people would play into the exploitation by blaming each other for their ills. This is what white people

Oh you’re right - I’m really dropping the ball here lately. Well, I still prefer the Alpine over the 4C, but it’s a closer competition.

Another advantage to the Kindle: adjustable font size.

This one.

Yeah, yeah, and you’d be an even better driver and have more fun if you had no synchros and had to set the spark advance on the fly.

I absolutely agree. He was always an asshole and thought he was better/smarter than everyone else because he was rich, but something has changed.

Hello this is Alma Bluesummers. I just wanted to clarify two points I see going around a lot that I haven’t claimed. These are also the only two points my dealer will address, ha ha.

I just realized I Freudian-slipped and replaced Trump with country when reading the headline and responding. I still stand by my statement though. There are undoubtedly a lot of good people in this country but there are also way more bad people here than I thought possible and that has made for a very sobering - and

Serious: if I see Hamilton Nolan’s name on a byline on these collection of sites again, I am going to burn it down. That smugass motherfucker is a large part of the reason this anti-Hillary bullshit continued here for so long.

They do this on night shows here. Ask things like “There’s a report that Barack Obama wasn’t in the White House during 9/11. What do you think of that?” and let the person go on about how terrible and lazy Obama is when that happened 7 years before he took office.

Pretty sure that was a Lambo, dude.

“I think more than half jumped on the bandwagon.” - RIIIIGHT - because we all want to be in the POPULAR raped woman club. JESUS CHRIST. People prove every day that they’re criminally stupid and I want to live in a fucking cave.

I hate when legal instructions sound too legal. Can’t they be written in hillbilly speak so I can laugh while I vote not guilty for my favorite TV rapist?

As a young nerd, watching captain Picard be an ruthless evil bastard was truly unsettling. Such a great series though.

It saddens me that hardly anyone will understand this. +1 forever.

never buy new consoles. My whole thing now is to buy the latest console at the tail end of it’s life. that way you get the best console and the games supercheap. Never again will I be a dumbass early adopter.

Yesterday’s was also very snippy. Love it!

On the one hand, I have no doubt that Trump would perjure himself without a second thought, and it would be infuriating. Infuriating that our country is being led (“led”) by a man who has no principles and who sees the world as so much his own that he believes reality should conform to his will, thus justifying to

Presenter- the marvellous Miles Jupp.