
In the Galaxy’s Darkest Hour Before the Dawn He Is the One Who Knocks to Make the Hard Decision to Shoot You in the Back.

What is it with Star Wars telling us what things aren’t? Death Star not a moon, a space station. Lando a man, not a system. Luke’s return to Leia a family reunion, not a problem etc...

And by “material GRRM has written” we of course mean great sprawling family trees, and the reason they are so unnecessarily complete and consistent, is because GRRM worked out that making up a family tree is much much easier than writing a novel... and what’s more, if he’s ever challenged about WTF are you doing

To me it really does look like they got a Trailer Generating Algorithm With Machine Learning AI (Beta), and fed it every Star Wars alien, costume, uniform, corridor style, space fighter, starship, and the very flattest of the flat-falling lines from ROTJ that fall so flat...

...and this is the trailer that the

Rogue One also has a proper Star Wars space battle, identifiable by the way that when the battle begins, the main cast become (temporarily) supporting roles, and armed services personnel are depicted doing their jobs, in uniform, under a chain of command, and damned professional about it.

For example, you have to chop vegetables on a separate board from the one that’s used to cut meat. It’s a small detail, but it reflects a common attitude that Chinese people have toward meat.

I never fast travel. Too much to see on foot. And I only drive if my destination is more than 1km away.

Point of pedantry - the fast travel points in the game aren’t bus stations, they’re CombatCab hailers. You can see the CombatCab logo on the screen under the projection.

a realistic response from the people who live there, namely that they would abandon it.

Hopper, meanwhile, finally asks Joyce on a date. But she’s reeling from witnessing her boyfriend being turned into food for demodogs in season two and is distracted by the apparent loss of magnetism.”

I still don’t get what “snaring the release cadence” is supposed to mean though?

How are they supposed to do this though?! Games sell almost nothing at retail unless they are branded versions of Monopoly or one of the ultra-rare games that cuts through the zeitgeist and gets noticed like... uh... well anyway, even those sell only a few thousand copies.

the mistake that may have killed Overwatch by snaring the release cadence.

What DOES the alt-right think of Wolfenstein? I assume they love it because it has Nazis but also hate it because you shoot Nazis? Or...?

Apparently he didn’t not not have it not semi-un-legalistically permissably allowed in that state at that time with Jupiter ascending and no fenoogle-pocker attached to the squat-rail.

First CD you put on was a U2 album? Oh the irony!

The iPod has a DAC inside too of course. It's why some of the Classics are still fetishized - apparently certain generations have  DAC that's better than you'd expect. 

That list would be serviced typically by a laptop and a portable HiRes USB DAC these days.

The ipod was never capable of “high end audio playback” and serious sound engineers have a massive choice of portable DACs that connect directly to a laptop.

This makes you sound old. Voice Over LTE (aka “HD calling”) available on any midrange or up phone with 4G, is objectively superior to landline voice quality.