
Welp... Lord of the Rings is fucked now I guess?

Some MORE cocaine.

On a separate note, I can’t help but find it distasteful that two fairly high profile shows have presented exercise as dangerous to middle aged people.

Is it even a bicycle? It doesn’t even have two wheels!

Not alligatored?

That said this was the second-worse “substitute example” video I’ve seen, after that one about the killer crib where they showed a picture of the crib with a doll dangling out of it by its neck...

This is a reasonable point, but it’s not -quite- the same. Maybe if the killer shoved someone’s head inside the instant pot and sauteed their face?

Nine times out of ten, people side with the giant, faceless corporations, because they are always going to have better PR departments than any theoretical victim.

You literally complained sarcastically about how she “must not be criticized”. Did you have a lobotomy between your first comment and this one?


Where’s the criticism of Fan?

There’s is nothing more boring to a writer (or a fan of a writer) than the criticism “I don’t think X is a good writer” delivered without explanatory detail.

[Frank Herbert raises hand from the grave]

I wonder how the 50 Cent Army plays this one? On the one hand: Unimpeachable China (sic) actress must not be criticised! On the other: Western racism forces China (sic) actress to look Western! Or something.

We should be thankful it wasn’t spelled Krrrsantan. Like Kashyyyk. Which TIL is “also known as Planet Wookiee C”.


Did.... did you see him do the haka-esque dance at the end of the second episode

That the ship now apparently has no name is super-irritating to me. Yeah, I get it, a massive company like Disney wants to avoid amplifying the previous fairly mild social media shitstorm that happened when somebody in... was it 2019? Earlier?... realised “Slave I” has the word “Slave” in it and that’s offensive...

Good point about art in general.

Yeah I suspect this is just another performance. Next video: “Why I pretended to lose $3.5 million on fake Pokemon cards.”