It already works. “Europa” is European for Europe.
It already works. “Europa” is European for Europe.
According to CNN Trump calls McConnell “old Crow” and “old broken-down Crow” and CNN is like “yeah we don’t know why he capitalises Crow either.”
I just find it incredibly irritating the way everyone says it’s “Biden” doing this, as if he’s even THOUGHT about Twitter more than once since he became President.
Thee Kiinja Caaffeine Spiider.
I prefer XKCD’s mnemonic:
I saw Spaceballs at the cinema with my sister, mother, and a family friend. The screening was about maybe 30% full. We sat bang in the middle and howled with laughter... while the rest of the audience gave no more than an occasional “ha hehe”. It must have been like 40-50 people.
Of the Matrix films, this is the Forth.
I think their vision for the Matrix was already reduced long ago, ironically by the massive budgets they got for the sequels.
Man that Zion Rave scene was so long I still feel like I’m watching it...
I mean, this review just claims Wachowski was resentful, on the basis that the Wachowskis have previously said they didn’t want to do more Matrix movies, and something something Warner Bros. reference. There’s no link or anything to a statement like “I really resented doing this movie.” It’s all conjecture.
To be fair the original film had several of its exposition dumps during scenes of literal torture. So... that was meta... or something?
There will never be any “evidence” (in a legal sense) presented for these assaults because Noth is a sophisticated offender who doesn’t even think of himself as a rapist, he just assumes all these hot young babes want to sleep with Mr Big, and if some of them seem a little “not into it” at the time, well he doesn’t…
The two clear rape descriptions from the original article are young women in a power imbalance who described - seperately, and without prompting - a specific pattern of sexual assault.
Oh, now I get it. I agree after XX hours of Very Serious Fantasy, the Witcher is a freshmint blast of balls-to-the-wall silliness that the genre so seldom allows itself to be. Probably my favourite thing about the Witcher is that I don’t have to care how well the story is told. Does Geralt fight a monster? Do I get to…
Curious to know how The Witcher (a sword-and-sorcery fantasy) works as a palate cleanser after Wheel of Time (a sword-and-sorcery fantasy)?
Telling unverifiable but obvious lies is now just standard practice. It’s conceptually possible that airline staff cheered him on, he says they did, we know they didn’t but have no way of proving this, checkmate libtards.
(and SNL’s keyboard player, whose name I am sorry not to know)
I hadn’t thought of this man for so many years, and yet there was a virility to my language that came from somewhere deep and buried.
Are you old enough to remember the hype around the theatrical release of ROTJ? I was six. We already thought Boba Fett was super cool because of the toys - Slave I was this attainable-unattainable dream toy for us in the Australian lower-middle-class. The Millennium Falcon was hilariously out of reach, but Slave I, we…
Or more precisely: “Es you wush.”