My Beer Belly

Why: I got this computer 3 years ago and it still is my primary computer and still out performs nearly every computer I've come across. I tried a Lenovo first but their drivers were absolutely horrible for Windows 8 and after a reformat I couldn't get half the computer working because they didn't make the drivers

An elliptical for sure. Got it last January after my wife and I both agreed we wanted to get back in the habit of working out. The previous 4 years we had lived in various apartments that had a small gym and was very convenient to get in a few hours a week. But when we moved into a rental home it became difficult

I hate to break it to you, but Breakfast Stout is the best seasonal. Maybe not as hard to find as Nugget Nectar (which I will now keep an eye out for) but still amazing. I always buy a case of it the first time it hits the shelf. I found two 4-packs tucked in a corner a few weeks ago and it felt like a late

I live two blocks from a small privately owned pizza place that isn't afraid to experiment. Last week I got a pizza with fresh ricotta, spinach, whole cloves of roasted garlic, and prosciutto. It might be the best pizza I've every had.

I'm 29 and recently started my own rIRA after only contributing to my company's 403b for years to get their matching contribution. Trying to figure out what firm to use and what fund to choose and all the intricacies of the market was overwhelming.

In my case it would only cost $30 to add 155 channels to my Cox internet subscription. But what a lot of people aren't considering is that it will then cost an additional $10 per month for an HD cable box. Since I would get two (living room/bedroom) then I'm actually looking at $50 per month more. I'll gladly pay

Yeah, there a few small containers of Rad Cat around here that are ridiculous, it would nearly triple our costs. So far, Nature's Variety and Primal have been the most affordable for us.

We get the frozen raw from Nature's Variety, I believe the brand is Instinct Raw. It is 95% raw ground meat with bones and organs and then a few additional ingredients for added minerals/nutrients/fiber. We are lucky enough to live near a pet store that carries all the varieties so we don't have to pay the

Definitely take a preventative approach and make sure all 3 of my cats eat a high quality diet. I could go on for pages about it but I'll keep it succinct. Our 3 cats haven't had dry food in 3 years. Two of them eat 4 ounces of raw chicken a day (includes bones/organs) and another gets a 6 ounce can of wet food a

Agreed. This was a wedding present from a couple we had gone to college with. Our first few years of marriage were rough financially as I had just finished grad school and my wife was still in school and not working during our first year. So I worked two part time jobs the first year to pay bills and then we moved

Best gun? That's debatable.

Good to know, that makes a lot of since.

I am admittedly a little jaded by a few vets. I consider myself a little more knowledgeable than the average pet owner. I've put a lot of time into reading/researching how to do best my our cats (we have 3) through various sites like or Tufts' materials. I always make sure to vet (no pun intended) the

Admittedly they are over-generalizations, but they are not intended to be paint the vets as the bad guys. Many of them refuse to do the procedures, but sadly not enough of them.

Just trim the claws. We trim all 3 of ours about once a week and they all try to scratch (fortunately in the appropriate places mostly) but when they do go after something they shouldn't their paws just kind of glide on it because the claws are trimmed.

Read this:…

Cats are very stoic creatures and by the time they are showing signs of pain it is because it's excruciating. Those cats could be living entire lives of pain and you'd never know it because cats won't show it to you.

This link is a really great all-in-one resource regarding de-clawing. It's by a former vet who now is an advocate for this type of legislation and has successfully had these types of laws passed in various cities in California.

I think what a lot of people aren't considering is that cable usually requires the rental of a cable box or two. In my case, I would need at least one for the main TV and would like one in our bedroom as well. That's an additional $17 a month that isn't accounted for by the calculator or most replies I see here.

just moved into a newly built house with a tankless gas water heater and we were still told to flush it out about once a year.