My Beer Belly

I'm assuming you mean Also Sprach Zarathustra

All valid points, I can't really argue against any of them. But at the same time, I can't imagine beginning a marriage and preparing for it to fail right out of the gate. I realize you say it's being realistic, and the numbers back that up. But personally it would raise questions if my wife didn't want to be all

That sounds a lot like us. We dated for 4 and half years and then were engaged for another year. We never lived together before marriage but if we had I'm sure we would have done similar to what you are doing now. But in that time we had a chance to learn how each other operated financially and grow trust in that.

It sounds like a pretty good system there. I guess I mostly get stuck on the concept that once you're married there is no more mine and yours, but ours. When we got married my wife had about 15k in credit card debt. While she left the cards all in her name so not to ruin my credit, it was both of us that paid them

I know this article is designed for unmarried couples living together, but I just don't understand how married couples can keep separate accounts. You agreed to a union... what's mine is yours and yours is mine type thing. So how does it work if you don't put all your money in one place and go from there?

I say

I don't go out of my way to download music due to the numerous easy ways to get it. Between radio, satellite radio, pandora, spotify, and my own music collection there is something I can find I like.

And while I may be technically pirating TV shows, I actually pay for cable... about 380 channels worth. I literally

I work for a university and have a .edu email so I'm able to get the student discount (btw, I do occasionally take a free class so I'm technically a student). Even with the price raise to $49 it's a steal and well worth the money. I buy nearly everything I can't get at Target, Petco, or a grocery store on Amazon.

We could get by on 2, that's what we have friends do when we are out of town. But the whining we get when they are hungry is too much to bear and 3 meals aleviates that. So when we walk in the door around 5 we don't have to hear another 2-3 hours of whining before mealtime. They just get fed 2 small meals at 5 and

There is obviously room for variation here. Depending on the size of your cats, the size of the boxes and type of litter, plus their diet all has to be accounted for. Fortunately, you have the proper amount of litter boxes and it sounds like no digestions issues from any cats. I use the 2-3 times a day number

People who say cats are low maintenance aren't doing it right. I have 3 cats and in ideal conditions I will empty 3 litter boxes twice a day and feed them 3 times for a total of 9 individual meals. I might clean up a hairball or pile of vomit on average twice a month and I've succumbed to the fact that my house will

One of my graduate school professor's had a great saying that I still like to tell people when applicable: 'Everyone here is a pre-fessional but I expect you to act like the professional you hope to become'. What he was getting at is that by that point in our education many of us were already or nearly qualified

Excellent, glad to know that I'm at least doing something right. I knew it was an excellent benefit so I didn't hesitate to max it out. I know the annual max is something like 17500, I believe, although that changes I'm sure every few years. Trust me, I won't come near that for a long time. It's an entry level job

When you say not saving for retirement, do you mean not using an employer's retirement plan? Or do you mean not putting even more aside on top of your employer's plan?

I ask because I'm 28 and just started a job that appears I could turn into a long career. We have a 403b retirement plan that they give us 6% and then

My first job was in a call center for GEICO. I learned a lot about how to deal with people, my current boss told me specifically that my customer service experience (especially delivering bad news and dealing with upset people) is what ultimately led to my hiring.

But more importantly I learned what kind of work

Right there with you. I'm 28 and started a new job 8 months ago, something that seems like I could do a while and possibly make a career of. I've not done much retirement savings before that so I'm figuring I've got to go until about 55-60 before retirement. We have a 6% contribution by our employer to a 403b plus

Definitely good to know. I rarely walk into BR because the few times I have I was turned off by the price. But 40% off of $50 is pretty good, I'll definitely have to give them a look next time I'm in the market.

That's probably my wife's second favorite store with Express being first. She also is pretty slim in the midsection, she wears a small or extra small at most places.

Same here, I can get into a medium modern fit. Once I get rid of this 10-15 pounds then I'll be back into their fitted shirts. But I also play trombone professionally which means I need a slightly longer arm and neck than usual. I haven't found a fitted shirt that does this and I'm not getting custom shirts so I

I've not owned a BR shirt, but I would love to. I got two pairs of their pants at an outlet and like you said about Express shirts... they just feel right. I also love the Express pants though, I've got a couple pair of their Chinos (I think that's what they are called) that come in interesting colors and make for

If it fits your body correctly, then a fitted shirt will accomplish a lot of this right off the hanger. I've had other guys give me a hard time for almost exclusively shopping at Express, saying that's its for gay men or just not manly enough. However, it's one of the few stores you can find anywhere that you can