When you find a mysterious oozing reddish river..... Who you gonna call?
When you find a mysterious oozing reddish river..... Who you gonna call?
Yeah, I do wish they were more sturdy. I put duct tape along the edge you roll onto because litter was seeping out the edge. Unfortunately I have to clean ours at least once, usually twice a day. Even before we got the 3rd, the 15 pound boys could piss a small pond. They would literally be climbing over mountains…
For some reason I added the picture and it didn't show, so then I edited the comment and added the picture again. It showed but now it's not there again. Here's to hoping this time it works.
See, this is something I could get behind. Well thought out to not waste energy and since it's an automatic cleaning box it isn't just a cover-up for your laziness. But I still contend that 99% of these 'exhaust' systems to prevent smell are essentially ways to enable bad pet owners. I commend the cleverness, my…
Or for $30 you can get a box that takes 30 seconds to clean (manual self-cleaning). We had 2 cats until two weeks ago when we rescued a 3rd. We got one of these boxes since we figured 3 wouldn't want to share one oversized box. The thing is amazing and makes cleaning the box simple and idiot proof.
I'm sure there is some non-liability form you must sign first saying you recognize the risks and do not hold them responsible for anything that goes wrong. With that being said, I don't know if that would cover a bungee rope snapping since that is obviously not supposed to happen. Hopefully she is well compensated…
You may be right there, but obviously I use BB so much I never reach the point I actually need a medicated lip balm like Carmex. I honestly can't remember the last time my lips were chapped. It may have been getting my wisdom teeth removed about 10 years ago. Surprisingly, I used A&D diaper rash ointment to help…
Burt's Bees replenishing balm with pomegranate blows Carmex out of the water. Just about any Burt's Bees product does, but the replenishing variant is my personal favorite. This is coming from a professional trombone player who's lips are my tools of the trade. I've been a chapstick addict since I was 10 and have…
I don't know if it's available for iOS but the android app, Tasker, can almost double your battery life. After I rooted my Droid X, I overclocked it from 1 ghz to 1.15 ghz. That should drain the battery significantly more yet with some profiles with Tasker I'm able to at least double my battery life.
Really? Damnit, I just signed up for the student version last week. I still have my .edu email after graduating in 2009 (thank you gmail), so when I saw that Prime was free for 6 months and half price after that, I jumped on it. I had done the 30 day trial of Prime previously and loved it, it makes getting the…
Well, my Sony bluray can stream Netflix, Hulu+, MLB innings. I'm not sure about HBO Go, although I'm sure it can, I just don't know if it comes preloaded with the app. I stream torrented shows from HBO and Showtime to my Xbox. So theoretically, I could drop my cable box and my Xbox and bluray could cover…
Yeah, our two fill the locker in 6-7 days. We had two boxes for a while but one of them was not being used at all, so we figured why waste the space. We then just got one jumbo box and since I'm home most of the day I can clean it 2-3 times. We thought it may be they were next to each other and tried it in another…
This is exactly what I was thinking about. I can't possibly rationalize a $300+ litter box when this is so absurdly easy for under $50. My two boys are as spoiled as any cats I've ever known, we've literally bought every toy I can find in Petsmart and on Amazon to find the perfect ones. We've tried 3-4 litter boxes…
I've had two of these and unfortunately both of mine have been barely bright enough to see. I also wish the laser could be pointed down further. Even when it's angled down the most, it needs about a 15x5 space. Living in a smaller apartment doesn't allow for this space and we have to find ways to rig it so it leans…
I think only the most ignorant would ignore that this rock is heating up. I will concede that it's nearly impossible to tell how much effect humans actually have on this increase. However, as shown in another thread, it's hard to deny that increased carbon has a significant correlation in increased temperatures. So…
With two degrees in music, many friends with doctorates, and even considering one myself... I can honestly say I have never heard it pronounced Tim-burr. Maybe in other languages, but in English it is 'tam-burr'.
That's mostly what I was pointing out. That the Nexus really only surpasses this phone on the software side. And that's an unfair comparison, albeit a truthful one, since the Nexus is by default a superior software. I was mostly pointing out that the RAZR seems to have every bit, if not more, hardware capability. …
So this seems to hold up pretty well to the recent leaked specs of the Nexus. The larger camera (although no info on either's sensor), confirmed LTE, thinness, and weather proofing are all pluses over the Nexus. The processor, RAM, and battery seem to all be right in line with the Nexus. The only thing the Nexus…
I'm not available to upgrade until May 2012, but I was hoping this device would be so far ahead of the competitors that it would still be king when I could upgrade (basically the previously rumored specs). These specs barely put it ahead of any other device listed, and if it doesn't have LTE then it doesn't even…
Forget the boot, I prefer a good Spaten in a proper mug. And as a professional trombone player, there are a lot better tuba options. Hell, a sousaphone would allow a player to still have a drink without putting down his instrument, and I doubt a bunch of drunks care that it doesn't sound as good.