
Well yeah it’s been a thing for decades but now it’s a trend amongst trendy poeple who do trendy things, eat trendy food and drink trendy drinks, so ‘authors’ can write articles about how this is a brand new thing that nobody has ever seen before.

And here I thought this was going to be about mac & cheese pizza (rightmost slice):

that includes crew members not making out with each other

Is Dollar Tree the ever properly staffed?  Every time I go theres a huge line, one person who is unqualified on the register and one person stocking who doesn’t know where anything is.  Good Riddance. 

Can these people go protest at like a fucking NASCAR race or Hummer convention or congressional session or something? This is such toothless, cowardly bullshit.

Ah yes New York theater goers - the demographic most likely to not have heard about or be concerned about man made climate change. Of course.

‘Why weren’t you wearing gloves?’

Yo I uh totally agree with you guys, you guys are cool, you guys are cool, I’m doin’ my part too man, protecting the planet, that’s what it’s all about...right on guys. Keep uh fighting the good fight. You’re cool, I like you. Don’t listen to these suits, all these...they don’t know things dude, they don’t know how it

It’s amazing to me how much this country has turned into a bunch of bootlickers. Any excess value from your labor belongs to your boss, and don’t you forget it! They’ve all been tricked somehow into defending billionaires to the detriment of basically everybody else...because they imagine themselves as potential

The irony of this is I’m pretty sure the talking heads protesting it definitely aren’t working 40 hour 5 day work weeks.

Banning an app isn’t a 1st amendment violation. You are free to say whatever you want on any similar social media site that isn’t owned and controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, which utilizes its algorithm to push videos stoking social division in the USA to our own citizen’s phones. 

There was that animated show ‘about’ him called Kid Notorious, I remember it being mildly amusing. Plus Two Broke Girls had a creepy character based on him on one episode.

Even if Biden is a “sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” wouldn’t you rather have that than an “inconsiderate, spiteful, elderly man, with a syphilitic brain?”

I don’t think “Kristen Stewart, Rolling Stone’s March cover star, just wants to ‘do the gayest thing you’ve ever seen in your life.’” refers specifically to the cover, but, yeah, unless she’s willing to porn it up, I’ve seen gayer.

US companies have been blocked out of China for almost 20 years in this area.  China needs to play fair - its not about privacy as much as you want to harp on about Meta or whoever.  NO ONE HAS PRIVACY.  

Elon: We already have Truth Social at home.

But it also wasn’t Michael Keaton that defeated Mr Freeze. I guess I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt that Val Kilmer wasn’t there.

It would be interesting to have a show where he has a non-binary grandchild and learns the meaning of empathy.

I think you’re underestimating the size of that schnozz

One great thing about Chicago bars is that each one has its own personality. Avoid the barfing bro joints and you will have a good St. Patty’s.