
Because it’s disgusting to talk about a war like it’s a reality show, focusing not on this man’s bravery, but on his looks.   

I enjoy this show far more than I expected.

What terrible taste. The original destroys this. Farnaby alone!

My husband and I loved the British version, got about 5 min into the American version and turned it off. The jokes were just so broad and awful, aping things that were in the British version - but worse. 

1) The COVID discussion sketch had a little too much of the semi-contrarian ‘everything we did in response to COVID was cringe and wrong, but it’s not woke to say it’ vibe that I’m seeing a lot lately on the Substack left and Trumpy right

She’s poubelle blanche. She grew up where being white was the only thing she had ‘going’ for her - not her personality, not aptitude, not any talent, not any real skill set, certainly not intelligence or education.  She was white.  That was it.  And now that’s basically all she has to offer anyway.  She came from a

Fuck you, you god damn white supremacist pig! I guess you didn’t learn your lesson from when we threw people like you into Spandau. Guess we’ll have to do it again. Fuck you.

If you ignore white supremacy, hating Jews, loving Hitler.  Really, she is just in the wrong time and place - she belongs in Nazi Germany.

It’s not a mystery why people in Georgia elected her to represent them. She does. The media can’t ever get to the real heart of people outside cities, but as a blonde haired, blue eyed white male that has had to spend time in the rural South, I can assure you she is not an aberration. If anything, a great many people

She’s a Nazi and an idiot.

Also, when you get your chl, you’re advised to give the cop your license along with your driver’s license if you’re pulled over, so that they know you’re legally armed, and to act accordingly. This stupid cop did everything wrong. Fire his ass.

C’mon, if you’re going to say all this, you could at least say it correctly.


“Honeymoon” that dude went right to work with the crazy. Shit, that video of him showing drug hiding places was crazy as fuck lol. I do not know how NY elected him.

Geeze, that didn’t take long. Lightfoot waited over two years to use that distraction..

Getting Black reporters to tell the story of his mayoralty doesn’t make his tenure not trash. I wonder if he knows this.

My guy he publicly apologized at the time and then did a standup special that largely dealt with both the specifics of the accusation against him and more broadly the cultural moment we’re in in which our society is grappling with how poorly many people understand consent and many of us are reevaluating our opinion of

In what way did he ditch his act? His special was recorded and put on netflix. That means he did it. Then it’s done.

This is incredibly dangerous and crazy sad. So many kids will suffer and be traumatised by these fascist scumbags.