
i really enjoyed this series & i agree marshawn was the best partner - very unexpected.  i hope they make more episodes.

There is no best will-they-won’t-they couple. There are only bad and worse ones. It was a tired, irritating conceit before I was born and now it’s just beating the damp patch where a dead horse used to be.

You will never be able to show them their hypocrisy to their face. These are the same people who were vowing to run protesters over if they were blocking roads or highways.

I mean it’s great the the truckers are winning over so many new friends by throttling the supply chain, blocking bridges, closing borders, shutting down factories, causing people to lose their jobs, threatening people’s properties and lives, and generally fucking up everything for everyone. Everyone’s super tolerant

“security guard at Russia’s Yeltsin Center managed to deface a $1 million painting during his first (and only) shift.”

I hope Billie pays Kanye dust by not apologizing to him.

She doesn’t apologize. Kanye still plays Coachella. Says she apologized. 

Clean up in aisle grays.

At least the host should be kind enough to meet you at the door and ask you to take off your shoes there, instead of shrieking at you when you’re already two steps inside.

I don’t know, I believe hospitality is about doing everything I can to make visitors comfortable in my home. Some might see it as a guest being “demanding”, but I really want people to let me know what would make their visit better. I don’t see having them over as me doing them a favour of some sort that they must

If you’re going to demand that outside shoes be removed then provide alternative indoor shoes or just keep a box of disposable shoe covers by the door and let people wear them over their regular shoes.

I am 100% positive that the author of that article is also a member of the “I don’t wash my legs in the shower” brigade. Her floors must be nasty if she thinks that her shoes are cleaner. 


Nah, just an apologia on behalf of Chappelle from a perennial pennant-waver.

Give it a year before his next special, “Pull Yo Pants UP!”

“Additionally, it is often white people who throw the term at racially ambiguous people.”

I don’t really know how to respond to articles like this. Like, if her grandma was Black but white-passing, and she married a white man, raised her kids as white, and that child married a white person and had children, is she even really ‘Black’?

I think she said what she had to say gracefully and with great compassion for her grandmother and what she experienced. Congratulations, though, on countering that with an incredibly idiotic post because you want to make her seem ridiculous for displaying an actual sense of everyone’s shared humanity.

It’s so obvious FB has a double standard concerning what people on the left vs. the right are allowed to post.

I can count on one hand the number of times something someone else has posted has gone against the community standards for Facebook, but the one time I pushed back against an asshole calling for newspapers to die on the platform, I get a warning saying I’m being flagged for bullying and going against their community