
I’m not your friend you racist liar.

Fuck off copsuckers. I hope one of these criminal cops you love murders you in your sleep.

Minneapolis had a chance to abolish their inept, murderous police force last election cycle and stupidly chose not to.

Can’t agree more.

...This is Dirt Bag. Other political content exists on Jez, but it rarely shows up in Dirt Bag.

I liked Don’t Look Up. And The Power of the Dog.

In 1980, President Reagan pledged to nominate a woman to appeal to women voters.

Ok, I’m a white dude, and I’ll admit a fairly privileged one. Even so, I can’t wrap my head around how any music group would think 1. That this was ok and 2. How the optics of this are anything less than horrible. Yeah, Lady Antebellum was a terrible name to start with, but once you find out Lady A is already taken,

Spotify is running up the white flag. It’s the beginning of the end for Rogan.

The problem here is that people have been combatting Joe Rogan’s misinformation with better information the entire time he’s been on the air! But Spotify isn’t spending millions of dollars to promote Fauci and the CDC. However, they do spend millions of dollars to promote attention-grabbing hacks like Malone and Alex B

It is better to combat misinformation with better information
It is a good idea to not host misinformation.

Yeah, people who glom onto conspiracy bullshit are generally just waiting for hard science to pierce the veil.

Now playing

He’s more Mr Haney from Green Acres. A unethical huckster and con man only out for his own interests.

That was Jimmy Fallon, and I still don’t see how it actually made a difference.

psh. call me when someone makes a fictional documentary of this movie.

Yup, banning books while trying to force private companies to give them a platform.

Without the slightest bit of reflection

He also, should be said, is a figure in an ongoing investigation into an attempt to OVERTHROW DEMOCRACY

I wished celebrity judges had started walking off stage the moment Spicer slinked on to Dancing With The Stars. Now that they’ve finally done it for Rudy I hope there is a walkout every time someone from the previous administration tries to rehabilitate their image through showbiz.

I mean, how stupid do the producers of the show have to be to have Rudy on it?