Boo Hockey

Priest: “Lionel has decided to write his own vows.”

So tempted to change my name to LemonJello Ball, but alas, it belongs to you now.

I’d be careful talking that way about Malcolm. I heard his dad went on to become a pretty serious meth dealer.

At Lambeau I see fans wearing opposing teams gear on the field before every game. I’m guessing most are not season ticket holders (and they’re out of town visitors sitting in boxes), but the Packers don’t seem to care. In fact for Bears-Packers games at Lambeau it’s probably 50/50 of the fans on the sidelines before

But there’s a difference between the way I’m saying “no chance” and the way you’re saying it. I’m a Bucks fan. The Bucks had no chance of beating the Cavs this season in the playoffs, but they had a chance to be competitive and win some games. Maybe if everything broke just right, they could have pushed them late in

For the league to be about anything but the Warriors for the next few years, it would need to abolish the salary cap and the luxury tax, freeing teams to sign the players they want and can afford, without artificial limitations.

I’m a bit of a soccer outsider, but I’ve always thought that all we needed to turn out a generation of elite futballers was one superstar.

I’m super confused. I thought everybody would be way too busy with their new coal mining jobs to care about who the backup QB on their team was.

Does it prove I’m a Wisconsinite that I’m significantly more concerned about someone eating 9 hot dogs, than drinking 9 beers?

I remember watching Scooter play in A ball in Appleton, WI and thinking:

Nervous tattoo artist, “You said you wanted a penis-sword... Right?!?”

Björnsson vowed to rape the judges sister and murder her children as retribution.

Screw you. The USA is the most racist, the biggest racist, the greatest. I mean, the biggest, best, most freeist, most racist. The best.

“The Government can’t tell me what to do!!!”

But he has a mouth piece. It’s giant and red. Surprised you missed it.

Are you positive?

“Spewing misogynist” is what gets these ladies seeded in the first place.

So...cops are racist pieces of shit and NBA players love drugs and are also pieces of shit? This was a great day for stereotypes.

How does that make any sense as a league policy? Couldn’t they have a team that wins the championship and gets relegated?