Boo Hockey

Wow... “Regardless of manger”? Dude, there is only one manger we talk about this time of year, and you’re out here disrespecting it.

As a Wisconsin resident, and arachnophobic, there are few things more frightening than seeing one of these.

Here’s a thought:

Donald Trump interview tonight:

Lebron has made more money than Trump in about half the time. So by Trump’s logic, shouldn’t Lebron be the President?

What are you, some kind of truth truther?

Midwestern racism is subtle and polite. And gritty?

He’s sitting in the student section. The words “Scott Walker” and “college student” don’t go well together.

I think the main problem people have with the cliffhangers is ridiculous. So, yeah, if there are thousands of people posting ideas of what could happen for 6 months, some people are bound to get it right. So, I guess if that ruins it for you, you should stop visiting fan forums and just enjoy the show.

What about this one?

If he kills Negan in the RV then everyone (including Rick) dies. That’s the whole point of the that sequence. Rick tries (Negan’s quicker), then Negan basically explains to him that if he tries that again he’ll kill everyone in the group. If Negan never returns, or if Rick returns without Negan), the guys back at the

The water pressure is fine, they just heard there might be a transgendered person in attendance.

Let’s bring this kid back to the good ole’ US of A.

While I love Nigel’s willingness to step in the spotlight on this issue, I have a feeling he’s about to get suspended for a few games.

All these stories serve as a distraction to the real problem of Trump the candidate. He has no idea what the hell he is doing. I have yet to hear a single viable plan come out of his mouth on anything. Foreign Policy? “It’s broken, Clinton broke it, I’ll fix it.” How? “I’ll do it big, best foreign policy ever.”

Seems a bit forward to me, just reaching out and grabbing the net like that. Sort of the “Trump approach” on apologies.

“That kind of language is reserved for the cafeteria!”

In Trump’s America, there will be no disruption of The Wall. Louis-Oh will be doing the landscaping on the Mexico-side of The Wall, and he’ll do it FOR FREE!

Bumgarner has now responded with shirts saying #EnjoyMilwaukee

What game show do I have to go on to win the balloon door?