Boo Hockey

But you have to admit that Gawker as a whole has a tendency to say, “this person is doing something stupid just to get media attention!!!”, and then write about them ad-nauseam for weeks.

Agree with what you said, but why can’t people feel betrayed by him? The NBA and it’s teams sell fans on spending tons of money because it’s your team and your loyal superstars. You invest money and emotion into these guys. I would argue it’s okay to feel hurt by them leaving because of that investment. Sure it’s

Interestingly, the main drawback of having eyes on the back of your head would be having to watch yourself defecate.

I think having eyes on the back of your head would make you a BETTER flopper.

The answer has to be soccer, right? I mean that is the sport where teammates have to tell you if there is someone behind you when receiving the ball, to tell if you can turn or not.

A-Rod would have a lot to live up to. Everyone always says Junior had the sweetest stroke around.

This kid is so much better than Riley Curry.

You’ll take my star and YOU’LL LIKE IT!!!

When will the league address the Milwaukee Bucks continuing to draft computer-generated NBA 2K players?

Scroll up one click and you’ll see:

It’s always been my belief that the soccer culture will change in the US once there is a truly great American player. Look at what Tiger Woods did for Golf, or how Michael Jordan elevated basketball.

I get that Watt can come off as a self-involved tool at times, but I don’t get how any person who isn’t an over sensitive twat can be offended by that tweet.

I think all the suspensions actually provide an awesome opportunity. Not having Wood sucks, but Klinsmann can give Darlington Nagbe and Christian Pulisic the start and gain invaluable experience against a world power.

Patrick, thanks for this article. It would have been a long 8 hours waiting for Skip and Stephen A. to spray their hot take load all over my face. This article will definitely tide me over until then.

“See, I told you!”

I’ll file this in the “never gonna happen pile”, but if Lebron was serious about winning and getting into that Jordan category of championships, a change of scenery is necessary. There is no way the Cavs can win with Kyrie and Love, and there’s no way they can get anything of true value back for those guys in a trade.

What is this??? First “cake eater”, and now “trout sniffer”. What is wrong with Minnesotan’s insults?

Seems to me that this is less about what league they play in and more about who they are. Pirlo is so far past his prime that there was zero chance he was playing for Italy again anyways. Conte has never liked Giovinco, and that’s not going to change now.

Two totally different polls there. One can recognize something is racist without being offended by it.

  • Brad Lohaus