American Kinja

Hitler really didn’t have a plan. He has a lot of ideas, but planning was never his strong suit.

Generally if you get verification of something you report from 2 independent sources, you’re covered even if what you’re publishing is completely false. You did your due diligence.

Felt the bern is the infamous Tomato Troll. Ignore him.

Really it’s just journalism 101. Get a 2nd source to confirm, or don’t report it. It doesn’t matter if it’s rape or genocide.

2nd source? Sounds like too much work.

But then again, it’s a little icky to invoke your dead brother-in-law’s name as a defense against hiring hookers.

If it was really that important to people, the free market would take care of it!

I will personally donate 50 cents (despite my deep seated hatred of organized religion) if one of them throws a baked potato at the other during the dinner.

But they write the best headlines:

Same as everyone else? You intake more calories than you burn.

Now that republicans have finally started coming around to accepting that climate change exists, there’s nothing to argue about anymore. And since no one wants to actually do anything, it’s best just to not bring it up.

One day they’ll get internet hooked up to Trump Tower and then she won’t have to ask random strangers to see cock.

They happened to discussing Obama...just a coincidence I’m sure.

I think she was winking at Obama there...

It’s well documented.

“Maybe we’ll talk about it after Super Tuesday or whatever it is.”

You missed the point of the article completely I guess. You don’t believe her because you don’t want to believe her. 97% of rapists don’t get punished because in very few rape cases is there actual evidence that can convict someone of a crime. It’s a crime where you really have to take the victims word for it. But

Just like Hillary could be caught sacrificing a child on live tv and the majority of democrats will justify as ‘one child’s life is a small price to pay for freedom of choice, better schools, better healthcare, etc’

Society is pulled in 2 opposite directions by such things because on the one hand, we want to be supportive of sexual assault victims, but on the other hand we believe in innocent until proven guilty.