
They are great! they just don’t last!!! had 3 already and they all burn out their electric coils within a week. So unless you like spending a lot of money every week , wait until they make them better. I’ll stick with a bic!

They are great! they just don’t last!!! had 3 already and they all burn out their electric coils within a week. So

WTF !!!!..I tried two browsers and connected through Facebook only to have the page tell me ...Sorry because of privacy settings, this video can not be played here??????

LOL You are too Fkn funny!!!! I love your videos and as one other poster stated I believe this car is going to be much more entertaining to read and watch! Thank you for these hilarious videos of your day to day actual usage, I look forward to seeing them. Sorry about the break down but hey “Bumper to Bumper” is in

One question is....Do the people at Audi design for real world? Here in New England the temps get pretty cold and as a previous Audi owner I know from experience that the technology is the first to hiccup in extreme heat or cold. So what do you do when your entire dash goes on the fritz 4 months out of the year in the

The problem is ...they don’t seem to be implementing any crazy cool new ideas! I remember seeing a video someone put together about the new Iphone 5 what they thought it’s capabilities would be....It had a cool Hollographic ability that would turn the phone into a projector when laid flat it could project what ever