No, I’m not new to Jalopnik. I just never clicked on any of the Chris Harris items because I though he was some drift guy.
No, I’m not new to Jalopnik. I just never clicked on any of the Chris Harris items because I though he was some drift guy.
Thank you! I sincerely appreciate your answer. I’ll have to look into him some more as I didn’t know any of this.
No, I don’t know anything about Chris Harris. For me he just showed up on Top Gear one day. I like him. He has good commentaries.
Was Chris Harris some kind of drifting star or something? We see all of these videos with him hanging the back end of the car out in lurid slides but that’s certainly not the way to get around a track fast unless, of course, you are Gilles Villeneuve. I’m just wondering if he can drive an actual fast lap around a…
I think we need to beef up our intelligence organizations. We’ll have to put surveillance on mosques. Develop trustworthy contacts within the Islamic community. We’ll have to be able to get more information on these Islamists so that they can be found and arrested or killed before they strike.
Fair enough. We disagree.
Thanks, but I’m not talking about a blind rage. I’m talking about a systematic war. We can’t just sit around and keep waiting to get hit. We have to fight back harder than we have been.
It is Obama’s fault that ISIS exists. Bush left a stabile but fragile democracy there when he left office. Obama did everything he could to get us out of there as fast as possible including sabotaging the status of forces agreement. We pulled out, the country became unstable (or more unstable) and it collapsed. We…
No, I don’t agree with that. ISIS exists because Obama pulled our troops out and left the region with a power vacuum. We should have stayed there and cleaned up the mess like we did in Germany and Japan after WWII. I’m not saying that it would have been easy, but we shouldn’t have cut and run.
But how will this affect the situation in Abuddin?
Drone strikes and midnight raids are tough but they aren’t enough. My opinion is that the ever since Vietnam, we fight our wars with on hand tied behind our back. If you are going to go to war, then you go all in. You hit your enemy with overwhelming force. We need to go all in and get rid of these Islamists.
I’m sorry that you disagree with me but us “war-loving conservatives” aren’t the ones dragging people into war. The Islamic terrorists are the ones dragging innocent people into war.
Yes, this is why we can’t have nice things...
Ooh! Good observation!
I agree. I would love for people to step away from the religious stuff. Hell, believe what you want but the problem is that these Islamic extremists can’t seem to live peacefully in the word with people who believe other things.
First you will have to explain to him what a history book is.
You’re so full of shit. Mohammad was a stone killer. He spread his religion through violence.
Oh, bullshit. Imperialism. Please.
What does that have to do with this present issue in France?
The people in the KKK are POS too.