Terrorists. Radicalized Muslims. Muslims who insist on spreading their religion through violence. Call them what you want to.
Terrorists. Radicalized Muslims. Muslims who insist on spreading their religion through violence. Call them what you want to.
Well, there is a truck involved so...
If only there was a good guy with a truck...
You’re welcome. Some of us remember that we wouldn’t have a country without the help that your country gave us during our war of independence.
Preach! Nothing is going to happen until our men start acting like men.
Nicely done.
Really? What were the names of the hicks who were flying those airplanes in New York?
France has a large number of Islamic people. Some of them have become radical terrorists.
We need to start getting tough with these people.
Screw this idiot. They should take his license as he’s clearly too stupid to be driving.
Or it was written in between his explaining to us how to dye clothes with used motor oil or how to use your dish washer as a parts washer.
Thank you for this hard hitting investigative report. Amazing work. This must have taken a number of minutes to put together. Keep up the good work.
Sorry to hear this. I feel for you.
When I saw “Heap of junk” and “David Tracy” I thought he bought another project.
Yep, totally agree.
Hoverboards are dangerous. Kill them with fire.
Oh, that poor pontiac. What a tasteless monstrosity.
No, you can stop now.
I knew a girl who was on a first date with a guy and while they were doing 45mph, she reached over and put the car into “park”. She wrecked the guys transmission to the tune of $600. There wasn’t a second date.
Yea! More wrecks for us to watch.