
Yes! This!

This is stuff you expect in club racing not out of a potential World Champion

Jeez, those curbs in Austria are just crazy! No wonder they gave so many people problems.

Yep, you’ve hit the nail on the head. Hamilton is, quite simply, a better driver even when it comes to pulling these “grey area”moves.

Nico is simply not as fast as Hamilton. That was proven in this last race when Hamilton ran him down in the final laps even though Nico was on softer tires which should have offered him more grip and the ability to keep Hamilton behind him. Then Nico compounds the problem by running into Hamilton on purpose.

Nice Colin Chapman reference! Thumps up!

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the irreplaceable, Chris Evans!

What are Giz’s new commenting policy changes? Also, where did you find them?

Slow golf clap to you sir. Absolutely perfect comment.

Wow. Why am I not the least bit surprised? The guy just oozes creepiness.

I’m surprised that the management at the BBC would admit that they made a mistake this quickly. Evans was a truly awful presenter and his segments were simply unwatchable. He will not be missed.

How did the actors fit inside that?

Ben is doing to Batman what he did to Dare Devil.

As long as the car isn’t rusty, you’re good to go! You can easily make this a very nice car. I think it’s a pretty well bought car.

True, but the suicide rate would skyrocket. ;-)

Don’t they find that pink ball to be distracting?

Thanks for making my point. The truck driver simply doesn’t have the same ability to see the dangerous situation WHICH THE BICYCLE RIDER CREATED by riding up into one of his blindspots. I’m sorry that this woman died but she’s dead because of her own actions.

Yeah, well you’re wrong.

Clearly, the authorities disagree with you as the truck driver was not issued a citation. Is a large truck is turning right the driver is going to have a hard time seeing this person riding on a bicycle up next to him. I would fault the bicycle driver in this case more than the truck driver as she has a better vantage

Ugh, utterly stupid car. Kill it with fire!