

Your right, he does need to go.

Was the person on the bike watching a Harry Potter movie?

Sigh. We’re not there yet. Autonomous vehicles are extremely complex and take time to develop. No amount of wishing or hoping is going to help bring it about. What it will take is good engineers taking the time to design, develop and test these systems. So go sit down, shut up and let the grown-ups work.

Jeez, I hope it wasn’t the one with the ghost in the bathroom. That one was horrible.

This! So much this!

It’s naive think that VW will spend one thin dime to “fix”these cars. Economically these cars are sunk costs. There’s no point in spending any more on them as they have already cost VW dearly.

Oh sure, that will work. Eye roll.

This could have huge implications for British Leyland.

We should just ban his music from being played outright. Horrible person.

Jeeps are just horrible junk. People should only buy GM vehicles.

Well, I wanted to see the ending but Faux Sports moved the race from FS1 to FS2 so my DVR wasn’t able to record it. Their coverage was awful. They kept bouncing around between the two channels. DirecTV’s guide would say that the race was on FS1. I’d turn it on the it would be golf. What a mess.

How about donating it to charity? How about selling it for whatever you can get for it? How about scrapping it?

Blah, blah, blah....

Who cares? They still sound like shit.

If they get rid of Chris Evans, they’ll have something. He’s really awful. Comparing Harris’ vehicle review to Evan’s vehicle review, you can really see how good Harris was and how lacking Evans was at describing the car. Harris was interesting and engaging while Evans sounded like a guy trying to imitate Top Gear.

Awesome! Another project jeep to sit and rot in your garage/driveway. Good job.

You’re just all about promoting bad ideas aren’t you? I hope that one day you get a clue.

Don’t buy one car with a V12. Buy two V6 Tempos. Amazing cars.

It wasn’t a pet rock, it was a free range rock. Those things are all over Texas. Someone should really do something about them....