
Nah, that’s only $500 worth of damage. The guy that works at the wholesaler says so.

Ironically, the Mustang was the victim here!

As a BMW driver, I approve this message.

Awesome comment as I empathize with Thiel about not being able to get out of the greys.

I’m glad that Jalopnik is staying. Awesome news.

Wow. Such talent. Simply amazing. Eyeroll.

Ah Canada, never stop being lame.

I’d say that the problem is that it’s too close to the format of the old show but with slight tweeks and different people. We used have one guest. Now it’s multiple guests! We used to have the guest do a lap on a racetrack. Now we have the run a stupid rally cross track! All this does is invite comparisons for the


I turned it off when they decided to see how many people they could fit on the couch. WTF were they thinking? It’s quantity over quality.

Ugh. NASCAR is broken. This sport needs some new ideas so badly it’s not even funny. I think the main problem is that they seek out and kill any semblance of innovation. Plus the insist on some very archaic rules like the wheels being attached with five lugs nuts. Also, the races as waaaay too long. There’s not enough

Yep, this was a very boring episode. Also, you’re spot on about John and Sansa. They should have been portrayed as better negotiators than what they were. Maybe have them provide good arguments but still be rejected because the people they were talking to were short sided or scared of the Boltons.

“Perfect! Ok, right there. Go ahead and put it in ‘park’. It’s all good.”

Go fuck yourself again, Adolf.

I’m okay with this. At least someone is trying something new.

Shouldn’t this be a David Tracy posting?

Michigan repealed its helmet law because it was hurting motorcycle tourism. The states around Michigan didn’t have helmet laws and so Michigan was losing out on riders coming to Michigan for motorcycle runs, lighthouse tours “Up North”, and poker runs.

“Concentrated solar power plants, in addition to being a menace to themselves, can also pose a hazard to local wildlife. Last year, a plant in Nevada torched over a hundred birds when they flew through the plant’s “flux field.” “

Preach Brother!!