
Look at those bicycle lanes!

Wow! It looks like Alissa Walker’s wet dream!

Yells at kids to get off his lawn...

No ladies in the field? Jeez, what a sausagefest.

That picture is the new gayest thing on the internet.

Beige Camry

I would agree with you on that he did this with the first three books but with the last two the wheels have come off the cart. There are so many story lines going in so many directions and nothing ever seems to get resolved. And worst of all, he sets up big action sequences only to stiff you on them and pick up after

Oh, I’m not defending him at all! I think Rodas is an idiot and a bad driver to boot.

The money that Walker’s daughter won isn’t coming from an insurance company. It’s coming from the Rodas’ estate. I’m sure that the insurance company took a pass on paying anything on this case at all since street racing (illegal act) was involved. Since Walker’s daughter couldn’t get anything from the insurance

Hi Stacey,

LOL! Thanks for the laugh. Awesome.


You are exactly correct. You’re still going to get flamed by a bunch of people but you are correct.

I think that the climate is constantly changing depending on what’s happening with the sun, the Earth’s rotational wobble, etc. I don’t agree with the man-made part of climate change and I doubt that the sea levels are rising. There’s been too much BS science put out there to really know what’s going on.

“New Florida Pier is Designed to Face the Fallacy of Rising Seas” FIFY.

Actually, I didn’t remember this but thanks for reminding me! Statutory rape actually tops encouraging kids to street race their cars via his shitty movies. At this point, I kinda think his burning to death in a wrecked car was karma.

I’m the opposite. I liked MM-FR but hated all of the F&F movies. I’ll only watch a new F&F movie if Paul Walker isn’t in it and Charlize Theron washes her face.

Well, there was this red Porsche Carrera GT that I saw one morning in California and these two idiots were getting into it. I really wanted to save that car but they took off so quickly.

When we lost Paul Walker, I couldn’t drive my Porsche Carrera GT with non-nine year old tires at the speed limit for, like, two days.

This would go great in a Jeep J10 pickup.