
Huh. That’s strange. People don’t want to buy a POS? So weird.

Get. A. Life.

I really hope this is the last time we ever have to hear about these two dip shits.

Well, there was nothing else going on in his Mom’s basement this morning so...

Thousands upon thousands of stars to you!

F1 is one of the few sports that I watch. But if they leave this new qualifying system in use, I’ll just stop watching the qualifying.

God, I sure hope so!

Where’s the “infinite stars” button?

Exactly. Substitute BMW for Audi and I could have posted this word for word.

This is just awesome! The guy did a great job on this project. Very cool post with good writing and great pictures. Well done!

I hate riding public transportation as do most people. Even most of the people who use public transportation don’t like it.

If you make it as far as Chicago it’ll be a miracle.

“In front of you is a Ferrari F430 Scuderia, a Porsche 997 GT3 RS, and a Subaru. You pick the Subaru.”

Ugh, this whole idea that they are trying to push is so lame. They need to just stop this.

Nothing is better in Russia.

Nah, she’s hot. They’ll keep her. They will, of course, kill her baby and Glenn but they’ll keep her.

Morgan needs to die for what he’s done to Carol.

Question: Who should build the next Chrysler 200 and Dodge Dart?

Hey, the guys on Jalopnik wanted to bring back teal so...

Yep, it still looks like it would be quite at home in South Beach.