Star Lord, man. Legendary Outlaw.
Star Lord, man. Legendary Outlaw.
As I understand Talese’s argument, it is this:
That’s not the only thing crooked in that picture.
The whole problem with this “let’s just let the Nazis talk” bullshit is the Nazis think this is their time to come out. We need to let them know that this is not their time, and they need to go back to their Klaverns and be ashamed. Every half-baked idea is not worthy of public debate.
What she is saying is the same stupid NRA good guy with a gun bullshit. If everyone at the music festival was armed they would have morphed into 20,000 John McClane Yippee Ki Yay motherfuckers and everyone would have lived happily ever after.
She also augmented this argument with an incredibly loud, piercing, dog whistle
Miley Cyrus’ little sister.
I would install that app. We could probably get someone on Fiver to code the app, then we need someone to set up a cryptocoin that we’re going to use as our currency to pay using the app, we do an initial coin offering so people hoping to get in on the ground floor of our new crypto-juice-economy give us bitcoins, we…
Dude has too much head for his face, or not enough face for his head.
Why you gotta be a downer?
But she attacked the police officer first, brutally ramming her face into his fist, and he has the bruised knuckles to prove it.
#HeritageNotHate #RetroNotRacist
Looks like some job openings in the Trump regime. Have you tried being racist on Twitter?
I paid $20 to the Universal Life Church for this Doctor of Divinity degree and you will call me Dr. American Meatgoat.
Being an old, I think the problem, part of the problem, is we didn’t used to have this anonymous form of instant communication.
Lest we forget:
Pretty sure he was drunk. Look at the guy. That’s the face of a man that’s halfway in the bag by noon.
Wait, wait. So this person voted for Trump, and their best defense for this is that maybe, hopefully, someone else in in charge?
Anybody catch the “We love our God” in his bullshit statement? Yeah, fuck all those un-American Gods, we love our God. The fuck is this bullshit dog whistle?
So this is all your fault? Thanks a lot.