
Such as what? Inferior sports teams?

Uh, I don't think the students had anything to do with any of that, but ok I guess.

Before I went to college, I briefly worked in a auto-carpet recycling operation. The carpets were munched up, heated, and turned into poly pellets of some sort. Not sure of any other details; I was a dumbass at that age. But I always thought the idea was pretty cool.

Dear THE Ohio State University fans/alum: Penn State's actual name also has "the" in it, but unlike you guys, Penn Staters aren't assholes about it.

Bad. Growing babies and brains need saturated fats and cholesterol which are both not found in sufficient quantities in vegan diets. In addition, a vegan diet cannot supply complete chain proteins, regardless of what brainwashed malnourished vegans will post here. All of these things ARE in breastmilk, and formula,

Great joke made even better as usual by the idiots who didn't get it, so the rest of us get to laugh more than once!

To me, it's about the company making sure that you are clear on the fact that you belong to them even when you're not there.

I get what you're saying about the whole "work truck" thing, but I haven't had an at-fault accident since I was 16. I'm almost 38. My insurance premiums and dings/dents/scratches on my car are primarily because of OTHER PEOPLE's shitty driving/parking, not mine.

Chris Christie was all excited until he realized Tesla sold cars and not pastries.

"one says Lucas and one says AC Delco"

So what you're saying is that one works and one doesn't?

"the Mini lacks virtually any form of modern convenience, such as an infotainment system, or a USB port for music, or, you know, an armrest."

BMW STILL charges a lot of extra for any of this extraneous nonsense on the new MINIs. Now I know why: they're keeping it real!!

Oh look, more evidence from Irsay for why OWNERS should be drug tested just like the players.


German reliability. That's why.

I think VW needs to knock about $5k-$15k of the top of just about everything they sell.

Whenever a conservative tries to proclaim him/herself "Free Market," cover your wallet with your hand and/or move it to your front pants pocket.

My dad has been telling me this exact thing since before I went to college, and it's not only been proven true time and time again in my professional post-college career, but has served me VERY well in protecting me and my interests above that of my company's throughout layoffs, shitty raises, benefits cost hikes,

I had a 1997 Jeep Wrangler 4cyl. I was returning to Phoenix from a weekend in Sedona, and the truck started bucking and cutting out, running rough, etc.