Unaffiliated Voter

I didn't expect you to take my comment seriously. I was being sarcastic.

The AV club, as in "audio-visual club?" Isn't that where all of the nerds go?

I agree with Kirsten! The original Spider-Man films were great and I would love to see the original cast come back for one more film! It's just not the same without them!

Well then perhaps you could explain to us why you're here?

Comcast decided to stupidly move CMT over into some lame "Sports Package" deal. In other words, you must purchase this package if you want CMT. Hope that they get enough complaints that reverses this decision.

I hope this is an April Fools joke because please spare me! Tyler's voice is about as shot as Robert Plant's! He's probably only "cashing in" on this because of Carrie Underwood, who we have to thank for dragging him in to the "country" arena in the first place! They did a couple of duets a few years back, and Tyler

So a guy with two first names is going to replace Stewart. I don't mind that at all. However, the real question here would be….would he able to get as high as Stewart, or perhaps even some of his crew or viewers, before delivering the "headlines?" As Stephen Colbert once put it "you have to be high to understand Jon