Almost no one in my theater got the Grimace reference. I did. And now I feel like they don’t deserve to have seen the movie.
Almost no one in my theater got the Grimace reference. I did. And now I feel like they don’t deserve to have seen the movie.
Because most of those aren’t being held forth as golden child of cinematic gender equality? Wonder Woman got an enormous amount of praise for leaping decently high over the bar, but the bar was set really low, given the track record of earlier DC movies. Mentioned in this article, Atomic Blonde is probably a much…
Maybe it was a little needlessly rude to Jenkins and the rest of the film’s creators, but I don’t think he was wrong, and I think he does have a point.
2015/2016: Hollywood/Oscars so white!
I feel like you could have boiled this whole article down to:
Does it really qualify “cult” hit? I mean it seemed to be universally loved at the time, was extremely quotable and got a spinoff.
I’m not sure why this article refers to it as “Chinese New Year”. Blizzard just refers to it as “Lunar Festival”, and the text for that Korean tweet up above translates to “Happy New Year!”
Are they calling it “Chinese New Year”? Usually with multinational titles that run in APAC, they call it “Lunar New Year”.