>own GT3 RS
>own GT3 RS
Awww did it hurt? Obviously enough for you to respond. What's it like worrying about what other people do all day? Must be tiring.
I'm not condoning his actions, I don't know the bloke, and perhaps my opinion isn't welcome, but I have one rule in life: Don't fuck up. By the information we've been provided here, he hasn't. The second he causes physical harm to someone else, then I will completely agree that he was wrong for acting in the way that…
Because you've never driven fast on the street right? I understand what you're saying, he should be more responsible but get off your high horse.
Speaking as someone who just moved to NC, admittedly, people think you're a maniac if you drive the speed limit. And if you never pass during a no passing zone, you're a saint because people regularly drive 15 to 20 under the speed limit. There is a spot near my house I regularly pass people driving 30-35 in a 55.
Porsches terrorizing villages?
I think you legally have to be "caught in the act" so to speak.
Dispatch: "911 where's your emergency?"
Can I choose neither?
The 2015 Chrysler 200: You Won't Groan So Loudly When Alamo Tells You It's All They Have Left.
Sing "Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there."
Its art.
You can totally hear Nelson in that one!
"I don't even make $1,500,00 in a week" Yea I'd hope you'd have all four if you made that much a week. Than and every other super car you could ever dream of owning. At $1,500,000 a week, thats $71,000,000 a year. Serious cash to say the least.
I had the volume up too loud and I crapped myself so hows your day going
At the last few auto shows, Volvo has been in the habit of bringing some very attractive concepts that draw on…
How about 3 rotor cars instead of three piston cars?
suck-squish-bang-blow let's shrink the cars before we shrink the engines
Mini cooper. Becoming the next 911 in terms of redesigns and overhauls looking exactly like the outgoing models only bigger.
Whenever I can Mr. Orlove...whenever I can.