American Bacon

Chill, head writer for Grimm. Everybody knows it's you.

They'd also get to slide down those cool poles… Or am I missing the point here?

Sting must be so relieved.

But Mad Max won Best Makeup.

Heh. Putin. I get it.

Hey everybody check out Ready McReaderson over here.

It is an asshole move. I mean who has a cassette player?

Pudding flavor?

"He produced two deliciously portmanteau-heavy creature features, CobraGator and Sharktopus Vs. Whalewolf, in 2015, and now The Hollywood Reporter brings word that he’s producing Death Race 2050, a sequel to his exploitation classic Death Race 2000."

So it's about Kanye West?

I earned 970,000 upvotes last year. How many you make? You see pal, that's who I am, and you're nothing. Nice guy? I don't give a shit. Good father? Fuck you! Go home and play with your kids. You wanna work here - comment!

It's in Iowa following Trump around, waiting for the right moment.

Heh. Spunk.