
They were more than 70 over; they were arrested under a statute for arrest that starts at 26 over.

They took company owned vehicles out on the streets, after drinking, raced, and went over 100mph in a 45. Why should they keep their jobs? 

When I talk about the impending destruction caused by Climate Change to (some) of my friends I always get the apathetic response back of “yeah well, humans will find a way to survive” and I think that attitude is what terrifies me the most. That so many people look at an extinction level event and just shrug and say

Ask yourself a question. Did the speedrunner changing their name from TomatoAnus to TomatoAngus for this single event inconvenience you in the slightest? Did it inconvenience you more than, say, a parent watching the streams for fun with their younger children?

Yes. People sent money, and the Australian and New Zealand governments sent about 190 firefighters to help.


Why? Seriously, give me a coherent, *non-paraniod* explanation as to why I should care.

Remind me of who is that other guy that created, from whole cloth, a successful American car company in the last, oh 100 years? And with a revolutionary design? And a successful aerospace company? And a successful tech/finance company (that’s Paypal in case you forgot)? I’m not even a Musk fanboy, but for fuck’s sake,

Those companies fell apart because of fraud...

Your title needs to be fixed, it’s insenitive to the owner of the cat. I’ll explain it slowly to you, it’s like if I wrote an article with a picture of one of your family members and said “This X has died”, you can replace X with the name of any one of your relatives. This cat had a home, and a family. Your article

Why is everyone missing the clearly stated air suspension. It was intentionally adjusted to ease loading the quad in the back. Feature, not bug.

I don’t get it... A lot of those games didn’t come out in 2017?

That’s not the OP's point.

They see the writing on the wall. They learned from GM; you need more than 90 days of inventory. Stock up on the good stuff: Wranglers, Rams, Grand Cherokees and Gladiators

So Chrysler built up lots of inventory right before they knew they would be negotiating with the union. That’s a horrible idea and certainly not what GM did and definitely would not provide leverage in negotiations or help them weather a strike. Nope, they’re a bunch of idiots.

FCA is working on a new contract with UAW while a merger/sale with PCA is pending. UAW is coming off a long strike which affected GM’s production. FCA builds inventory ahead of those contract negotiations... coincidence?

I’d be curious where and when I have insulted my students.

I’ve certainly shared that I’ve struggled with certain behaviors, but never have I said that my students are stupid, incapable, or lacking in personal matters.

I imagine if you go back over my decade-plus of commenting history, you’ll probably find one or two

Seen plenty of monsters/aliens like this in the game. Maybe if you played the game instead of harping on about how it was two years ago, you would have found them yourself.

You do know there’s no such thing as a “downvote” on this site, right?