
These aren’t mutually exclusive, you judgmental ass. And i was trying to generate a bit of dark humor, but since that was obviously lost on you, let’s examine, shall we?

Bye bye Miss American Pie drove my Ford to the Fjord but the Fjord was dry.

Cool humblebrag combined with intentionally missing the point - that the only way these products can be really impactful is if they convert meat eaters, rather than just appealing to vegetarians. I say this as a vegetarian. 

Most inconvenience doesn’t merit compensation. Will you compensate others who are inconvenienced by your young children? And I speak as a mother. Life is full of inconveniences. Get over it.

—- EAST —-			—- WEST —-
D’Marcus Williums Saggitariutt Jefferspin
T.J. Juckson D’Glester Hardunkichud
T’varisuness King Swirvithan L’Goodling-Splatt
Tyroil Smoochie-Wallace Quatro Quatro
D’Squarius Green, Jr. Ozamataz Buckshank
Ibrahim Moizoos Beezer Twelve Washingbeard
Jackmerius Tacktheritrix Shakiraquan T.G.I.F.

It’s almost like all the stupid bullshit our administration engages in actually has tangible effects on daily life. These wealthy scum work only for their own benefit.

Weird, the bag of sawdust I bought tasted like basil.  Must be a labeling mix up.  

short sightedness: the post

Twenty years from now, his relatives will be talking about what a “quiet, sensitive person” he was as they’re digging bodies up from under his house. 

I’ll be (kicked in the) back.”

That’s not what happened at all, but I do enjoy these constant examples of PC Game Launcher Wars being more petty and immature than the Console Wars ever were. Keep ‘em coming.

A PC game is a PC game. All them kids losing their minds about which favorite version of Electronic Walmart they use is weird to me.

It’s not like they gotta wait a year for an Xbox timed exclusive to show up on the PS4. You can just get it for the PC day one. Seems like they still got it better than console people do

Exactly. I’m always happy I didn’t spend money on the NAV on my car that is now 5 years old. 

Boomers: “You kids don’t work these days!”

Except when we’re taxed in reality, those funds go to do something, like building roads, paying the military, funding the arts, etc.

It’s that they hate others imposing laws.   They LOVE their in group rules.   It’s a much more natural state for humans to exist in

I am not paying good money every month on a mortgage to have in house be surrounded by people who have don’t give a shit about how and where they live.

Of the 40% who refuse to look at those houses (I think your 40% is probably an overstatement but that’s a whole different argument) most of them are probably exactly the type of David Tracy scrap heap front yeard people who are the reason that the other 60% of people want an HOA.

I think it honestly depends....especially when you consider the vague nature of the statement “increasing property value”.

So live just outside the populated area, problems solved.