
It’s like you didn’t even read the comment

This is precisely how every one of my races start in Forza.

Look at this piece of shit

You think forcing Steam to lower the cut they take of video games is not pro consumer? A lower cut means a lot of independent developers will be able to sell their games for less and still make a profit. Technically AAA developers could as well but not while they have to pay the bloated paychecks of guys like Bobby

Damn, dude.

I tell them it’s gonna hurt like hell.  When it ends up not being the end of the world, they talk about how brave they were.  It’s great.

Let’s be real, you and I know goddamn well that if the Great Mosque at Mecca needed rebuilding Dolt 45 woudn’t be pledging a fucking thing for it unless the Saudis told Jared Kushner to procure the funds.

I’ll drink it, if you will first.

Yup, you definitely can’t pay money to restore something you don’t own, which is exactly why this article contains instructions on how to pay money to restore a thing you don’t own. SMDH.

The Fast and the Fuhrerious

Tony’s voice is just the worst

I’m rolling my eyes really hard right now.

Wearing makeup and costumes to play a character that doesn’t look like you naturally is a “yikes”? Jesus...

“The level of Schadenfreude watching these Trump towns lose industry after voting for a person who said he would bring it back....only to slowly realize that he has no real power over private industry is just...”

I hate to be the one to tell you... there’s already a fuck ton of dead things in the ground.

i don’t think anyone reads the whole thing anymore

The catholic church, when it was the sole definition of christianity, use to condone/perform same sex marriages. They were ostensibly to connect/protect asset lines. But I’m sure there were at least a few of those marriages that were consummated...

Hey Edgelord-wannabe-dude, not everyone is driven purely by greed, you know. Hard as that may be for you to imagine!

Glad it is gone. Seriously? A game about rape? Like come the fuck on.

Also, maybe a fringe opinion, but what sort of a loon would even want to brag about it in the first place? “Nyah nyah nyah nyah, we made up an institution that fails outright in half of all attempts, and traps half of the remainder in a loveless, soul-crushing quagmire they can’t afford to escape.”  Big ups?