
Speaking as a Japanese person, this is a dumb opinion. Many black people, including black Americans live and work in Japan. And Japan seeks to engage with America through our popular culture and our products.

Whatever it is, I’m sure Hillary sold 20% of it to the Russians.

lol. im sure every person who has ever left their kid in the car felt the same way you do, until after they left their kid in the car.

I use this a little differently.

What if nothing’s been done because the question has been answered?

console? this is for the PC version...

console? this is for the PC version...

Missed the sarcasm on that one, huh?

The face of a man whose scathing sarcasm goes unnoticed.

aftertought with hi res texture already in for the promo ? game was just downgraded because of consoles.

Other games had better textures at the same time.  You don’t have to work in the industry to notice these things.  

4k textures doesn’t mean it’s for 4k TVs. That refers to the pixel dimensions of the textures. While it’s going to be more obvious on a 4k TV, you can tell the difference at lower resolutions than that. Those texture files are getting cut up and stretched out over a bunch of shapes. You maybe seeing tiny little pieces

Because console game prices sometimes start higher, and usually stay high longer.

In olden times they also would have used a drone, but they called it by a different nomenclature: Chinaman.

Neuro was satirizing all the comments in the gray. I don’t they believe any of what was written.

It’s narcissistic to think that you don’t have to listen to reason when voting, but everyone has to listen to you when you say you’re sorry.

Actually, it’s a highly reasonable way of looking at an industry. (And I say that as a game developer.) You’re confusing competence at a job with uncritical love for the product. The latter isn’t necessary for the former. (Otherwise no one would make pet food.) Even the film industry does not demand this of its

You make the central mistake of people with your position - that people are trying to replace the games you like with something else. They aren’t. They’re trying to expand the offerings. The movie industry started with the Lumière brothers showing a movie of a train arriving at a station. It was very popular. Now