
I think the headline can be read two ways. The way you read it (which is how I initially read it) is that specifically Street Fighter’s stereotypes were the cause of remaining closeted. The probably intended way is that *the stereotypes* found in Street Fighter are what kept them closeted. Basically the stereotypes

“She said we are garbage!”

I certainly agree that there are more efficient ways, I was more trying to make the point that compared to something as pedestrian as driving the Concorde isn’t *too* bad and not as bad as the 4.4mpg cited makes it seem.

I think for most it is less an expectation that in the long run it will be cheaper, but more that the cost and the renovation choices can be paid out over time and done in whatever fashion you choose.

Pretty soon they will start telling people to stop calling the camps bad, and that a better term for them would be ungood, or as far as doubleplus ungood.

I mean, 4.4 mpg sounds bad but consider the fact it is moving at potentially the maximum capacity 128 people. If all those people were driving for the sake of easy math and averages as a couple that means 64 cars. Lets say those cars on average get 35 mpg (which is probably a generous average) that means per car to

It is “Highland Recreation Area.”

As far as I know there has been no shield native Witcher. That’s a stream.

Threatening may not work, but I always had no problem cancelling and then just making a new account in my wife’s name. Rinse repeat yearly.

I think this took place on the side of an incline, the footage doesn’t properly show it. I don’t think it is as clear of a landing as it appears.

I tried to move to iCloud, and it was a nightmare. Maybe if you are someone who has just regular files, it can keep up. But I made the mistake of bringing some project folders over that use npm and the sheer bloat of the file count brought iCloud to its knees. I’m talking days before it even tried to sync the files

I honestly have no intention of going to another baseball game. Last I went to one my mother was struck by a ball. We were fairly close to the field, the player swung, the ball glanced and went line drive into the crowd. One inch over and we would have probably been burying her or she could have been at best

Strange timing, I saw this a day or two ago on their website when I went in search of some of their other software (Transmit) and I couldn’t tell if it was a joke. 

Reminds me of the Key and Peele skit with the names of football players. Honestly All of those names some guy could pop on the screen at half time during a football game and I’d be like “He is totally Onson Sweemey.

I feel like at the very least, the leader seeing first hand the result of their choices would be valuable. The person may in the end still believe that the cause is just, and the sacrifice is worth it but I suspect a lot of modern wars would be much shorter or non-existent if the leader who initiated had to get their

Especially since in car navs start out new worse than 5 year old phones and only go downhill from there.

3 day water fast...? Hell yea time slows down when you are living like a POW. Goddamn.

Now that you mention it, not sure you can change the title. I feel like when I have sold stuff I could, but it likely is in a different location in the interface and even if available easily missed.

The discrepancy often happens due to older posters not realizing the price is entered in multiple locations. Being a month old posting, for likely a bike with a geriatric owner the guy probably dropped the price $100 on one and forgot the other. Cash only is standard, and not willing to ship comes from scammers

But that would require I take responsibility for my actions and investment choices. Can’t have that. I should be able to turn a good block bad because I want to display my projects to the world on my front lawn in a disheveled manner.